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{Chapter Nine}

All three of us are smiling, laughing, talking, engulfed in out conversation. No matter what the situation is, I always find myself wanting to stare at him even more. I can't help it anymore. As I laugh I feel my eyes drift towards his youthful face.

I can see through his mask. His barricaded emotions hiding somewhere beyond. I know it's there and he knows that I acknowledge it. As the conversation flows I realize that Jungkook and I have shared many eye contact. His eyes meet mine, or I meet his. But as our eyes connect it's like a shock goes through my body and I find myself doing it again.

"Oh Japan seems like a fun place." Jungkook comments as he calms down from his small laugh. I'm smiling because again, we made eye contact.

"I guess. But it's not fun when you have no friends there." Jen fake laughs after her sentence that softly trails off to the predictable silence of awkwardness.

"Well you have me. And technically Jungkook too. It just sucks that you have to take a university in Japan." I comment to break the silence.

"Well two more years and I'll be free right?" She smiles at me. I know that genuine smile. No matter what, Jen finds a way to make herself optimistic. I love that about her. I'm usually negative and she's positive. We need each other to balance ourselves. But it can be hard to talk to each other with busy lives.

We talk more and we don't even notice how much time has passed. Our plates are clean empty. Our heads are rested on our hands as we engage in the conversation. It's probably past midnight. Jungkook tells a story, Jen interrupts with a dirty joke, we laugh, and Jungkook continues. I like how we're all comfortable with each other. Jen looks fine with being around a guy like Jungkook. Whenever I invited Jen to dinner with LuHan, she'd roll her eyes. I wonder if LuHan ever noticed. I'm pretty sure that Jen made it obvious to him that she dislike him in every, single, way.

Jen brings out the wine and at first, I decline. She convinces me anyways and by the looks of it, Jungkook needs it. I suddenly burst with laughter. I remember when I bought too many cans of beer for me to handle. Jungkook and Jen stare at me smiling. I just wave it off and I cover my mouth as I giggle.

Jen pours a glass for all of us. She sets it down and sits back to her seat before holding the glass with the stand between her middle and ring finger. "A toast," Jen begins confidently. "a toast to our achievements. A toast to our beginnings and our endings. A toast to every stress we break, and lastly, a toast to my friends right here. I would be dead without you YooNi."

Jungkook and I laugh before simultaneously yelling, "A toast!" All three of us sip. At least I sip. Jungkook gulps it down. I knew he needed this. Jen over there is just drinking until her glass was clean empty. She was never a good drinker.


I walk out of a dark blue door, only to end up in a pitch black abyss with a white path that softly glows. I look at my feet, I don't have any shoes on. I take one step and I fall back, hissing in the sharp pain I'm greeted with. There's shards of glass sticking out the bottom of my feet, blood is softly trickling down, dripping on the white path. I get back up and I begin walking again. Each step I take hurt but as I keep going I begin to hear voices.

"You were never good for me YooNi."

I recognize that voice. That's LuHan's. Suddenly that voice stabs me in the heart and I fall to my knees, only screaming in agony as I realize that my knees had fallen on glass. Now my knees are stabbed and bleeding. I get up again and I walk again, weeping. I feel the blood running down like a river on my legs. I feel it reach my feet. It hurts. It all hurts. The walk is brutal but I seem to survive.

"You're nothing but a pathetic little girl who is blindly in love." Another voice comes out. I feel the words hit me in the face, making me fall back. I scream with begging cries. The already bloody glass that I had walked on is now in my back, arms, legs, and head. I get up and I feel the back of my head. Sure enough the glass pricks my finger.

"YOU'RE NO GOOD!" LuHan screams at me.



I cover my ears, softly telling myself that it's okay. It's okay YooNi. Whatever this is you'll get through this. I begin to scream, I don't want this. I don't want him. I don't want to see the two of them ever again. Now it feels like they're screaming in my ears. Just as I feel them ramming into my mind, everything goes silent. No more screaming, no more voices. I hesitantly pull away my hands and I look around. It's still a black abyss. Suddenly a mirror appears in front of me and I stare at my reflection. Glass is stuck in every part of my body. Blood is trickling down everywhere. My face is almost all crimson. Suddenly I feel arms around me. He whispers comforting words. I only stare at the white path and I watch as my tear drops fall down on it. "If you let these things change you for who you are, you're living the wrong way love." He kisses my cheek. "Now look at yourself again love. Never stray in an agonizing event."

I look up and my eyes widen. Blood no longer runs down my body. There is not a glass pierced into my skin. I'm clean again. I look at him and smiles at me. He stands up and holds his hand out. I take it and stand up. And just like that the once deep, dark abyss is now a blue sky. The bloodied white path sprinkled with shards of glass is now a field of grass. He kisses me, intertwining our fingers as we walk to the end.

My eyes open and Jungkook is staring back at me. His face full of concern. I look around. We're in my bedroom. I scan myself, my clothes were on from yesterday. That's a good sign. I lay back down and I turn towards him. "Gwenchana?" I nod. "You kept squirming in your sleep but then you calmed down."

I recall my dream. My visual-filled dream. I begin blushing as I realize what happened in my dream. "It was just a small nightmare." I briefly explain. Jungkook nods, I notice that he's pink. Why is that?

I feel my lips. I gasp. He turns away, knowing I had realized. Jungkook kissed me in my sleep. "I-I just wanted to see if it would calm you down." Jungkook stutters, embarrassed with his back towards me.

I smile. He can be adorable when he's not even trying. "Well it did so good job I guess." I turn away and I fall back to sleep with a smile still on my face.

{End of Chapter Nine}

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