Exquisite Wrapping Paper

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Math class had finally finished. Jason creeped me out, but I wasn't surprised. It was bound to happen, sadly.

After the day I fell into that blonde boys arms, I found a new love. Sadly, I don't know his name, I don't think he likes me back, and it was guys ask girls, so I can't ask him to be my date.

I ran to the library where I decided to spend my hour long study hall.

I looked around the crowded book room, to see if there was an open table to work on my project.
Unfortunately, all tables were taken which meant I would have to share, or go to the café to study.

I looked around, spotting a familiar

I walked towards her, covering my palms over her eyes. " Guess who?", I whispered.

"Let me guess... Elmo!?", she giggled. "Hi" she replied.

I slipped into the open seat next to Laila. She took out a small package with a distinct floral pattern prancing along the thin line of bright wrapping paper. A velvet bow was wrapped around the middle, not tight enough to make the box inside squished. She saw how my eyes were following the knitted line on the paper and broke the silence.

"Well... OPEN IT!!!", she said excitedly.

I took the detailed box swiftly from her hand and studied the box. "I don't want to ruin this wonderful wrapping paper though!!".

She gave me a frown. Her eyes puncturing my side like lasers with a motive to kill.

" OK, ok. I'll open it."

She had a wide grin spread out on her face, dying to know if I liked it, while I on the other hand was dying to find out what was on the other side of the thin line of exquisite wrapping paper.

Find out what's on the other side of the wrapping paper in the next chapter!!

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