Utter silence

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As they waited till the end of time, the girl never woke up. The induced coma had taken over her body for three months. Will she ever wake up, the boy asked. I need her in my life. I haven't eaten in two weeks. I am terrified to loose her and myself. This coma is costing me my life. We have barely left her side, except to go to the bathroom or to go to the waiting room because of how it was after guest hours. He stayed here, our Friend, and I stayed here, her boyfriend. I hadn't left the hospital once since she had gotten the coma. I haven't seen sunlight for a while. The only way the nurses keep ME alive, is by giving me food injections while I sleep. It's tough, but worth it.

I read the book that was in the waiting room, sad that it would become true. I had just asked Avery out, and two minutes later, she is unconscious in the nurses office. I kept reading the book...

A nurse came into the room and gave her a shot. She then started wheeling her into a different room. Where are you taking her I thought. The nurse gave me a signal
To follow. I followed where she told me to stop, the waiting room. Nurse told me she needed surgery. I screamed, and threw a tantrum. I wasn't aloud in, but her friend was? He was the reason she was in here. He was walking across the road and a car was coming fast. Instead of running to the side, he just stood there. But She had pushed him out of the way just in time. The only problem was she took the hit for him, but only because he wasn't smart enough to run to the other side.

Then I realized. The boyfriend was symbolizing Laila, as being protective. The girl was Avery. Matt and I were the friends of Avery, because of us, she got hurt, and the car was Renee.
We sat there in Utter silence, awaiting good news.

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