Something I want

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I moved my legs and tried to pull myself up from the uncomfortable cot. But I couldn't. Something was holding me down. My ribs hurt like hell and I couldn't move a mussel without having to grasp my stomach in pain.

I attempted to open my eyes. But when I opened them, the bright light caused me to close them once again.

I heard a shuffling noise from across the room. Me being curious, I tried to open my eyes again, this time, the room darker. The windows were shut and the lights were off, other that the bathroom light from across the room, that gleamed on the floor of the lonely nurses office. A shadow was in the corner. I looked up.

"Who's there?", I pondered, quite curiously. Through the shadows I saw the face poke out into the bathroom light.

I gasped, wishing I wasn't here in this dark nurses office.

Renee, had cackled.

"What are you doing here? What do you want from me?" I questioned. I felt as if I would faint. As if I would die right then and there.

"You have something I want", she replied with a screechy voice. "I don't know what you are talking about", I replied shaking.

In a flash she was by my side using her cold brown eyes to stare me down. "Oh you don't, do you?", she said as she traced her sharp nails along my jawline. The door nob turned and the nurse walked in. I looked back in to see an empty seat to wear Renee sat.

"Are you alright? Your heartbeat is above normal and you looked like you've seen a ghost!", the nurse pondered on.

I couldn't move.

"Is Liam here?", I asked. "I thought you would ask that. It's 12:30. Your mom is here. And I had to send Liam back. He is such a nice boy.", she talked on and on.

"Wait. My mom is here?"

"Yes she is. And she is with some boy. Very handsome! I think I might ask him out!"

"Ok. First of all, eww. I'm going to go now. I'll see you if I every get punched in the gut again.", I said.

I tried to get up but failed as I winced in pain from the obvious punch. I forgot about it, I thought to myself.

Before I could ask for help the nurse had left, probably to go and nap in the janitors closet again.

So I was alone, and had no ones help. So I peered throughout the room to find something I could grasp onto for help. I looked and saw a pair of crutches in the corner. That would work, I said to myself. I crawled to the corner and pulled myself up.

As I made my way out into the hallway, I saw him. The guy. Why did mom bring him here? He's here for MY sake.

How did you like 'HIM'? Was it a good chapter? Keep reading to find out who he is, and why HE is in this story in the first place.

Sorry if I don't get to update in a while but I hope that this chapter made this up to all of you guys!

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