Sappy ask

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Liam POV.

Chemistry was over which meant it was lunch. I looked for Matt throughout the crowded room.

Matt Dylanson. Linebacker on the football team. Offense on the soccer team. Also, he's my best mate. I looked around, Matt nowhere to be found. All the Athletes were sitting at the table to
My far right. They whistled me over to there table.

"Where's Matt?", I asked Brett to which he pointed behind him. I spotted Matts blonde hair from across the room, to see who he was with. He sat next to a girl with shoulder length hair. His arm wrapped around her torso, hers playing with is quaff.

It took me a second to find out who it was, but across from them sat a familiar dirty blonde. Once I saw that it was Avery, I remembered who her best friend was; who Matt had been hugging; Laila. She turned around to look at the scenery. She spotted me looking and told Matt to call me to come over. I sat down at the athletics table and then got a ring on my phone. Just like I had guessed Matt's face showed up on the caller ID. I answered and then agreed to sit with them.

As I was walking over , whistles from girls had caught my ears, but I ignored them.

When I had gotten to the table, the only seat that was open was with Avery. She blushed as she saw me. I sat next to her. She put her head on my shoulder, my face bright red.

Laila looked like she had something to say. She looked like a giant peach. Ready to explode with words. Three exactly. And that's what she did. Explode with a bunch of words surrounding those THREE WORDS.

"Your so cute together!!! You are the best couple ever. Your MEANT TO BE!!!". Those three words; meant to be. Rolling of her tongue as if she was holding it in all day.

Avery tensed on my shoulder. She looked uncomfortable. I made it even more uncomfortable.
I stood up and asked her a couple words.
"Would to go to the dance with me?", I said slowly but surely.
She was about to cry but stood up, hugged me, and said yes. We stood There. Avery crying into my shirt and I looked down on her.

Everyone was clapping, mostly everyone. 1/3 of the girls in that room were glaring at Avery. Jealous to be having the quarterback as their date to the prom.

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