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Avery POV.

How dare he come with MY mom to MY school and act like everything will go back to normal? It won't. It's not possible. After what he did to me? By cheating on me? At a pep rally in front of the entire school? No ordinary person does that to his girlfriend. Sure, he is muscular and popular, but who would wanna date a low life cheater like him?

My mom still thinks that we 'broke up because we couldn't last together in a long distance relationship'. But I know I DEFINITELY wouldn't last in a long distance relationship because he has this thing where he cheats on anyone he dates. And that is not tolerable.

But what is really sick is that he is using my mom to play me. He's using her like a pawn in a chess match. And she deserves better then to be manipulated by that guy.

So when I stepped out of that room to see them together, I thought I would loose it.
He can't barge back into my life and demand to rule my life again. Like he's the puppet master, and I'm the puppet that he controls. He picks what to do with me, who I talk to. But I'm not his puppet.

And when we were walking out, I saw every girl getting the state down from him. It was disgusting. And came here to get away from that. To see my old friends. To leave the back ones behind, including Jake, who needed to but out of my life and get another girl to rule HER world.

We walked out of the building and I couldn't take it anymore.
I had to blurt it out.

"Mom. Stop", I said in a stern voice.

She turned around with her eye brows up and a questioning look on her face.

"Jake and I dated a year ago. He cheated on me with another girl..., no wait, a BUNCH of other girls and is manipulating you into thinking I still have feelings for him. The reason I wanted to move was to get away from him and be with my real friends. And we didn't break up because of a long distance relationship, it was because he cheated and I couldn't STAND being with this low life."

"That can't be true, can it?", she asked looking at Jake. He replied," Avery, stop telling stories and let's go to the movies."

He stepped closer to me but I backed up not wanting to be near him.
My mom pulled my hand and we left leaving the sorry-butt loser sitting on the bench with no ride, hotel or anything, just like he deserves.

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