Chapter 6| Crew Love

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It was the first day of school and Bambi was the furthest thing from excited. Anxiety had been plaguing her since she'd woken up hours ago.

She had even taken her time getting ready hoping it would ease the anxiety.

It didn't help.

"Come on Bambi" Bria yelled from her room.

Putting on her gold watch and hoops Bambi grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

"Look at you with your thick ass" Bria slapped her butt.

"Bitch its team little booty for life stop being funny" Bria laughed as she grabbed her keys off the counter and they headed for the school. It was only about a ten minute drive so they got there pretty quickly.

After finally finding a parking spot the walked onto the campus and Bambi was filled with nervousness.

It was more crowded than it had been the rest of the days that had come to campus so Bria could show her around. People were everywhere which was horrible for Bambi.

"Wait Bria" Bambi caught her arm before she could walk any further.

"Calm down Bambi its school it's going to be busy like this a lot. Take a deep breath and lets go" taking her advice Bambi took a deep breath that didn't help at all but she knew they needed to get to class. They walked across the yard side by side.

"What's up Bria?"  A few dudes dressed in their black and gold jackets called out as they walked by.

"My niggas, what's up?" Bria grabbed Bambi's arm and pulled her over to the boys.

"Nothin' much who this?"

"This is my best friend Bambi the one I was telling y'all about"

"Bambi I like that shit" one of them said hopping down from the ledge they sat on.

"I'm Damien, hop master" he lifted up the whistle around his neck.

"Nice to meet you" Bambi smiled and shook his outstretched hand.

He stared at her like she was piece of meat making Bambi uncomfortable.

"Damien damn don't look at her like that. Bambi let's go" Bria playfully pushed him away as they began to walk again.

"I thought he was going to eat me"

"Shit word on campus is his head game is fire, you might wanna let him eat you" Bria laughed at her own joke.

"Anyways, it seem like you know the whole campus. You didn't tell me you were so popular" Bambi said after Bria had waved to yet another person.

"I'm not popular, I just know different groups of people" Bambi nodded looking around.

"You think ima make some friends?"

"As long as you don't get all scared as soon as someone speaks to you, you'll be good. But you don't need any friends anyways. You got me" Bria wrapped her around Bambi hugging her tightly.

"Bria bye, I need to be diverse like you"

"Well it ain't too diverse you're going to get on this campus. I can dead ass count the white people with two hands"

"I didn't mean it like that" Bambi said laughing "I meant I want to know different groups of people."

"Oh okay, cause I was bout to say"

Bambi shook her head as they entered the hallway where their first class was being held.


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