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Ashton mocked my screaming.

"How dare you!" I laughed. "You sound exactly like that!" He laughed.

We both laughed together for a while. It was one of those times where I was thankful for the Internet.

"Oh my god, I wish I can pluck that certificate out from your hands. You're coming to America?" "Yes, Juliet, you need so much confirmation." Ashton smiled. My heart was beating in my chest. He's coming. My best Internet friend was coming. I scooped up the nearest pillow, which was Gunter from Adventure Time and did the most natural thing that came to me.

I screamed into the pillow. "Juliet, you need water," Ashton laughed. "Shut up! You're coming to America!" "Go and drink first. I don't want your voice hoarse." "I don't want your voice hoarse," I mocked, shaking my head and getting out of my chair. I hear Ashton laughing again as I walk out of my room, down to the kitchen.

I grab a glass of water and drank it up. When I put down the glass, I could still feel my heart beating. Naturally, I put my hand on my chest. I tried breathing in and out, and that helped slow it down to a normal pace. Then I went back into my room and saw Ashton was on his bed. "You aren't packing or anything?" I asked, sitting down on my chair.



"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"

"Calm down, Bean Bag."

"Says the one who was screaming. How was the song I sent you?"

"I hate it. It was horrible." "You love it to death." "You know me well, Irwin." "Well then, I suppose I'd better be packing. See you later, Hazelwood." End of call.

How were we friends? I have no clue. It just happened. We met each other on YouTube. I didn't have any videos, but he sure did. We just kept talking for a week before we added each other on Skype. It became that way for nearly a year now.

But I knew one thing for sure.

Bean Bag was always there for me. On the nights I got my heart broken and torn, the nights I was feeling insecure and especially the nights where I just cried. It could be for no specific reason. But he somehow tolerated me. I guess that's the foundation of friendship. Tolerance.

A/N: Gunter from Adventure Time is my spirit animal.

Next chapter will be on the day Ashton arrives because Juliet has nothing to do until then.

Please vote if you like this story so far even though I'm shit but hey shit is amazing sometimes

Writer & Drummer // a.iTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon