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Update. I've avoided the four boys for a long time. I think I can make it into lunch safely.

I was wrong.

As soon as I sat down with my lunch, a familiar face slipped into the seat next to me. He gave me a smile with dimples that makes me jealous and happiness in his eyes that never seems to falter.

"Hey, Juliet."

I looked up at him. His dirty blonde hair seemed to be a little sweaty. Maybe he had gym before lunch. I smiled. "Hi, Bean Bag."

Suddenly, three guys slammed their trays down at the table. It was Michael, Calum and Luke. "America is great!" Luke grinned, sitting across from me. "Hi, Juliet." Calum waved gingerly. Michael only laughed.

Why were these boys sitting at my table? The only people who sit here are me and Ella. Nobody really wanted to sit with me, and I was often okay with that.

And now four semi-popular boys are sitting at my table.

Of course, not all that glitters is gold. A girl came up to our table. It wasn't any normal girl. It was Danielle Corona, one of the popular girls. She was often nice, but everyone knows that she had breakdowns where her temper would be so high it would reach the seventh sky.

With a smile stretched to her ears, she bounced over.

"Hi Luke! Why don't you sit with me and my friends?" "Sounds like a good opportunity to score," Michael smirked. Luke shrugged and they both got up. I noticed that Calum and Ashton sat firmly where they were.

Luke noticed this, too. "You guys don't want to follow?"

"It's okay. It was for Luke, wasn't it?"

"Oh, it's alright! We have plenty of extra seats."

"Well then?" Luke raised an eyebrow.

I knew it. They'd leave me for popularity. I'd be totally fine with it, anyways. But Ashton looked at me. "I want to stay with Juliet." "I'm staying with Ashton," Calum said, poking at his sandwich.

Luke nodded. He turned to Danielle, whom was clenching both her teeth and fists. "I'm sorry, but I'm where my friends are."

Danielle scowled for a moment, but she quickly put on a layer of fake smiling. She glanced at me before looking at Luke. "It's alright. Next time?" She batted her eyelashes. "Maybe." Luke shrugged. Danielle huffed and walked away as Luke and Michael sat back down.

"Guys," I said, looking at Ashton and Calum simultaneously. "You didn't have to do that. You could be with the rich and famous. Surely not me. I'm totally fine with that." "Nonsense," Ashton waved his hand to ward off my doubts. "I'd rather be with my friends than frauds."

"Bros before hoes," Michael nodded. Luke, Calum and Ashton stared at him. "What?" He asked. "I picked it up online." At this, I laughed.

Maybe hanging out with 5 Seconds of Summer wasn't so bad.


The school bell rang. The halls were noisy. It was the end of school.

I walked out of the school talking to Calum. We had quite a lot in common and had English together for last period. We found Luke and Ashton talking to some other exchange students at the bottom of the steps.

"Hey," I said to Ashton, who turned and smiled. "How're you getting home?" "Ah. We go home with a special van." Ashton shrugged. "Good. I'll see you tomorrow, then." I smiled. I turned to leave, but Ashton grabbed my arm, making me turn back around.

His eyes pierced mine for the most brief moment. He looked away and I could swear he blushed. "Um, sorry," Ashton murmured. "I was just wondering... Would you mind exchanging numbers?" "You've already got an American number?" I asked. He nodded.

I laughed, setting my bag down. I took out a pen and ripped out a piece of paper. I tore it in half and wrote my number down on one half, handed the pen and the other half of the paper for Ashton to write down. He did so and we swapped halves of paper.

"Cool. Uh, see you tomorrow then." "Yeah. Tomorrow." I smiled. I turned back and walked a few good steps.

"Hey, Hazelwood!"

"What?" I look over my shoulder, smiling at Ashton.

"It was great meeting you!"

"You too, Irwin!"

And I walked back home, wondering why I resented this Monday.

A/N : Today my English teacher who I think knows nothing about 5sos made so many references I just can't

'these teenagers piercing their lips because they think it looks cool, they're only being called "weirdo" by others'

'believe it or not, i have brought a childhood memory. a mixtape from 1994!'

'you may want to love now, as I was the same at your age, but real love is taking the long way home just so you can spend more time with your lover'

or maybe by brain is hardwired to 5sos idk idk

If you like this chapter, please vote! Tell me things people who are clueless of 5sos have done that reminds you of 5sos in the comments. I'd love to hear them :)

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