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Today was Saturday.

I woke up with dread, wishing I didn't have to get up and out.

But then I had a date with Ashton.

It feels a little weird, since it's my first date since birth. Also Ashton was the first guy I've tried having a relationship with.

But I was also scared.

I think I may have social anxiety, but I'm not sure. When my parents discuss socialisation, often I shiver and my teeth chatter with fear.

It's really horrible.

I rolled over and picked up my phone. It was only 11am.

to bean bag: Good morning. Are we still on for today?
from bean bag: Good morning ;) of course we are
to bean bag: ok so then what do I wear?
from bean bag: here's a hint 1) we're going to a beach
to bean bag: you give the best of hints
from bean bag: I know.
from bean bag: I'll come fetch you at 1pm. Writing songs
to bean bag: about me? :p
from bean bag: maaaaaybe
from bean bag: <3

My heart fluttered.

I write quite a lot.

But to be written about?

It was quite honouring.

I got out of bed and showered. I put on a white tank top with a picture of feathers in the middle and beige shorts.

When I was brushing my hair, my phone beeped.

from bean bag: just a heads up, do you wanna go back to your house or my place?
to bean bag: ummm your place
from bean bag: k can't wait to see you :-)


I tried giving myself a little pep talk. He does like me. He doesn't think I'm an anti social weirdo.

He did ask me out.

I was out on my balcony, watching the leaves crumple and fall gracefully. The October air was calm and fresh.

Then I saw a very familiar car coming. I squinted and realised it was Michael's car.

He was here.

I rushed downstairs and grabbed my pair of sunglasses by the living room. I bolted outside and saw Ashton in a grey shirt, waiting for me in the driver's seat.

"Hey there," he grinned as I got into the car. "You look great." I smiled and scanned him. Dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, tan complexion, grey shirt and black trunks.

"So do you."

"Well, let's go and get burnt at the beach. Luke helped me pack some stuff."

"Of course he would. He's the makeup guru."

"I know." He grinned.


"Oh my God, it's so hot!" Ashton complained, lugging the beach bag behind him as he trudged to the shore.

He dropped it and flopped down.

"You're so silly," I shake my head, taking out the towels from the beach bag and laying them.

"I'm so Ashton Irwin."

"Nah, you're Bean Bag."

"Quite right, quite right."

We sat on the towels next to each other, hearing the occasional gawking of a seagull or the waves crashing onto the tide.

"You wanna go for a swim?" Ashton suggested. "Sure," I said, putting down my shades. I got up and raced into the ocean sea, whooping before I dived in.

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