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I despised him.

Writing block.

He was the only one I had utter hate against. I couldn't do anything to stop him.

Stop trying, I told myself. He'll go away naturally.

But it was so hard.

And I was a writer.

No one but other writers would get this.


"I wish I could live a little more!" I heard Claire sing. She sings very well, while I have the ability of a potato.

She came over today. We were hanging out in the living room. I had my blue notebook with me, trying to find inspiration to write, but nothing was coming to me.

I stared at a blank page for a minute, then a hand waved in front of me.

"Hey, Earth to Juliet. What's up with you?"

"I just... Writing," I sighed. "Why don't you take a break? Go outside, take a deep breath. Call a friend?"

A friend.

I had none at this point.

I rubbed my arm, my natural instinct whenever I felt nervous or shy.

"I think I will," I said, putting down my notebook and grabbing my phone. I went outside and sat down on my lawn. I scrolled through my contacts and found her.


As soon as I put my phone to my ear, I felt regret. As if I shouldn't bother her.

But she picked up.

"Hi, Ella," I said. "Who is this?" Asked a voice I didn't recognise. "Um, it's Juliet." "Juliet!" The voice yelled. "Ugh. Just tell her I'm away." "Ella's away. So please don't call back."

Call ended.

I narrowed my eyes, staring at my phone. That sounded vaguely like Ella.

Had she replaced me?

I checked my only social media account; Instagram. It's not like I post any photos or anything. Sometimes clouds, poems, but that's barely it.

I looked at Ella's account.

So many new pictures.

All with other girls, even some boys.

I picked a random picture and read the caption.

'My best friends! I've never had best friends as amazing as ya'll! @janjana @olivetickles'

I threw my phone down.

She didn't acknowledge me.

What happened to all of our old times? Were they fake? Did they mean anything to her?

I felt tears collecting in my eyes. Some of them escaped, rolling down my cheek. Angrily, I picked up my phone and stormed inside.

I walked past Claire, my mum, my notebook. I stormed straight upstairs and threw myself on my bed.

I grabbed a pillow and began screaming into it.

How had I been tricked? Often, I recognise when a best friend fades away. But it seems that the moment I was out of her sight, she turned her back against me.

Was I jealous? I don't know. I think I felt more betrayed instead of jealous. Couldn't she just have told me that she met new people?

It's that simple.

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