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Normally I have neutral feelings for Monday, but today, I despise it.

May it rot deep down in Tartarus.

Anyways, I tried lying to my mum that I felt a little sick and would prefer to stay in bed. She didn't buy it.

"You're perfectly well and you know it," she said from the doorway of my bedroom. "Now get up before I get the cooling pack."

The cooling pack was bought when I was ten. I had weird stomach issues, and so my dad bought a cooling pack. It had the superpower to become Sahara hot or Russia cold in two minutes.

That's why I was afraid of it.

But now all it does is collect dust and sometimes my mum waves it in front of me, triggering old memories. I'm weird, I know.

But that brings to the subject of why I dislike this Monday.

I decided to walk to school today. Why don't you follow me?

So I head out the door with my bag and books ready. I've already hugged my mum and left her in our house that's as old as me alone.

What would Ashton think of the real-life me?

In my bedroom, I was pretty okay. But in public, in front of people, I was definitely not. I can't make direct eye contact with people and I often mumble.

Would Ashton still want to be my friend?

He was coming today. I'm dreading my life today. Our paths are going to cross today.

Today is a scary day.

I reach school just in time to have five minutes to myself. I pull out a little blue notebook my dad gave me last year and wrote down my ideas.

They looked something like this:
- He makes me feel like I'm trying too hard
- I should really be me
- I'm doing this over and over again

And so I began constructing a verse.

It's obvious he's so out of reach,
And I'm finding it hard,
Because he makes me feel like I'm trying too hard.

But that was all I could work on before the bell rang. I looked around. It seemed that he wasn't here yet. I took a deep breath and exhaled.


My eyes widen as I see a bunch of girls appear out of thin air. It seemed so that they were crowding someone. And that someone was someone I knew of.

Ashton had mentioned he was in a band. Sometimes he'd Skype call entire rehearsals, and once I watched them do a cover.

That was how I met him, originally.

I knew his band mates. Luke, Michael and Calum, I think are their names. So this one, Luke, was being crowded by fangirls. I felt my throat build up a blockage as I realised it.

If Luke was here, Ashton was somewhere near.

Sure enough, next to Luke, was Ashton. He was wearing a light blue shirt and skinny jeans. His light curly hair was like the last time I saw it.

The sad part was that he was being pushed out of the way by the fangirls.

"We're just trying to get to class! I would appreciate it if we can make it there as a whole, thank you!" Luke exclaimed. I giggled at the sight.

Then I remembered I had my own class too.

Mrs. Polter was going to murder me.


A/N : hii.

ok so first, I do not want to disrespect the original writes of Try Hard. They are all lovely people. This story is simply fiction, and so some things will go this way instead of that.

Shish capish? Great, thanks.

Please vote this story if you like it. I will appreciate you for life <3

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