A/N: Request guidelines

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Let's get this over with.

Firstly, either comment on this page or the most recent chapter, otherwise I most likely won't see it.

When requesting, either put the ship name (ex. FlarLu), or the characters you want to be shipped (ex. Flare x Lucy, or even Flare x Lucy x Erza). I will assume that the person in the middle is the one receiving all the love, so be sure to specify otherwise!

When it comes to cracks or simply ships I despise, I'll still try to write it, but I'll inform readers in an authors note chapter if I can't. Sorry in advance.

Be as specific as you can with as little as you can. If it's to short, it might not turn out the way you want. If it's too long, I'll either get bored or decide that you might as well write it yourself.

Example: Jerza. Fluff. they decide to bake a cake, batter spills. Cute, Funny.

I can work with that. A basic plot overview will also help me get it out to you quicker! A plus for both of us.

Lastly, don't be negative. I don't take kindly to that. I apologize if it didn't turn out quite the way you wanted, but it can't always be prevented. Just ask someone else in that case, kay? No hard feelings ;)

Oh, and don't forget, no lemons! There are plenty of others who can fill that need for you...

That was way to long... whoops!

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