[Gruvia] Potential

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A/N: I kinda went with the flow for this one, so it isn't exactly relevant to anything...

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Juvia raised her arms, preparing for the next onslaught of enemies. She stood back to back with Gray, chest rising and falling in time with his. Shirt long gone, she was beginning to fatigue, but she wouldn't quit until she won.

Not with Gray so close.

He scowled as he glanced over scenery. He and Juvia were thoroughly surrounded by enemies on the conveniently flat landscape, with no end in sight... well, not completely. Erza to the left, Natsu to the right, and the Rajinshu to back of Juvia. He looked over his shoulder to see his partner's ever determined face. Gray nodded to himself slightly as he turned back around. Right.

They weren't done quite yet.

Gray leaned slightly into Juvia's back to catch her attention.


She turned her head to see Gray looking dead at her, scowl still emanating on his face.


He turned back around and paused before responding, "I think it's time for a unison raid."

Juvia's eyes flecked around the battlefield before responding.

"Are you sure? There are still many opponents..."

She shifted as she felt a drop of rain kiss her skin. Great. Her hands balled into fists and she bit her lip. Now was not the time for apprehension. Now was the time to fight.

"What choice do we have?" Black markings began to crawl up Gray's skin as he prepared his counter attack, "We can't keep going like this, stretching ourselves thin. We have to strike."

"Right." The water from the increasingly heavy rain accumulated around Juvia.

"Juvia will always fight alongside Gray-sama." 

Gray smirked. 

He turned to stand beside Juvia and gently grabbed her hand. They looked at each other.

"Well, it's now or never," Gray turned in towards Juvia.

She nodded, and did the same. "We can do this!"

A strong, blue aura emanated around the duo, glowing through the rain. "Haaaaaaaah...." They joined both hands together as the enemy closed in.



A glassy swirl of water took off, quickly turning into a sea of spiked ice. It tore away at anything in its path, leaving a trail of utter defeat in its wake. Juvia smiled widely. Gray had made a good call.

As expected.

Gray took a step away from Juvia, though he didn't let go of her hand. They smiled at each other, basking in the moment...

"Gray! Juvia!"

They both looked up to see Natsu running towards them. Juvia frowned slightly as she felt the warmth from Gray's hand slip away.

Natsu slowed as he got closer. "That was pretty cool!" he cried. Gray shrugged.

"Was it? It wasn't really rehearsed or anything..."

Juvia crossed her arms over her chest, now full on pouting.

"Well, that move has some serious potential! It's already cleared a path for us."

All three looked up to see Erza approaching them, blade cracked and clothing torn.

"Of course they show up to ruin Juvia and Gray-sama's moment..." the water Mage mumbled under her breath.

"Hm?" Erza was now looking dead at Juvia, who nearly jumped when she realized. "N-nothing!" Erza cocked her head.

"Are you sure?"

"Juvia... was just saying that we should go before reinforcements come." She inwardly sighed, glad that she was able to produce an excuse.

Gray nodded in agreement, "Juvia's right. We can leave the last few here to the Rajinshu, and get a move on." Juvia perked up at this, and Natsu shouted a "yeah!" of agreement.

Erza shook her head. "No, I'll stay behind with them just in case. You guys go on."

With that, she turned and headed if in the direction of her other comrades, exchanging armor in the process.

Gray nodded at Natsu, then Juvia. "We've got somewhere to be."

•   •   •

Juvia ackwardly hung behind Gray and Natsu as they ran to their next location, not being sure where that actually was. Noticing this, Gray fell back some and offered her a determined smile.

"Come on Juvia," Gray offered her his hand again, "Let's do this. We can't let a move with so much potential go to waste."

Juvia's eyes glittered as she looked at the man of her dreams. She was momentarily star struck before offering a weak nod in response. "Of course, Gray-sama~"

They really did have potential, in more ways than one.

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