[Yuriy and Makarov] Final moments

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A/N: Do not read if you have not read Fairytail Zero(which gets an anime adaption in the winter of 2016) and want to avoid spoilers. Do not read if you don't like mature themes or angst. The story of Makarov's parents is one that is depressing. This is simply my interpretation of its end.

(Yuriy's POV)

I walked forward, faltering, unsure of which step would be my last. I could feel the warm blood slip through my fingers as I held the gash on the side of my torso. So many fallen comrades laid strewn about as I moved aimlessly. It wasn't supposed to be this way... why did it turn out this way? We were all supposed to return to the guild, happy, healthy, and together. Tears began to slip down my cheeks at the futility of it all. Why did I continue to walk? There was nothing left anyways.

I fell to my hands and knees, releasing my terrible wound. It instantly began to bleed profusely. I watched as the pool of crimson under me continued to expand. It all hit the ground with a sickening splash. Death loomed over me, but it was to soon for me to go. God damnit... not now, not yet...

A metallic taste filled my mouth as blood began to pour out and more thoughts crossed my mind.

What about my comrades at Fairytail? Or even the ones who have fallen along side me? I've got to keep going... just a little bit longer...

My body refused to listen. Had I lost to much blood?

An answer seemed to come with a horrible, wet cough that over took my body in the form of rough spasms. There was no doubt in my mind that my punctured lungs were beginning to fill up. My sight began to become fuzzy, but I refused to close my eyes. If I did, death would only come sooner.

Why prolong the inevitable? Why prolong my suffering?

I mentally cursed myself as soon as the thought crossed my mind. That wasn't the Fairytail spirit! Mavis wouldn't have wanted th-


I was going to die before she ever returned, before we ever found out what happened to her. What would she think, knowing that I had died?

My breath hitched as another horrible fit of coughing took over me. No longer to support myself, I fell to my back. My head lulled to my side in an attempt to not choke on my own blood.

Finally, I shut my eyes tight to hold back my wasted tears. Realization truly washed over me:

I am dying. I will never see Mavis, Precht, Warrod, or even my son, Makarov again. I've failed Rita...

I would never see my son grow up. He was only three, just barely a toddler. What would become of him? He would never know his mother, Rita, or me, his father. He would never know that we loved him... he would grow up an orphan... but not alone...

  I succumbed to the blood loss.

My last thought was that Makarov would grow up as a member of Fairytail, and my last image was of my beautiful baby boy. 

I was okay with the fact that I would never wake up. I don't know why, but I was.

~  .  ~  .  ~  .      

Precht solemnly towered over Yuriy's limp body.

"Yuriy... what the hell are you smiling for?"

Mavis's spirit stood along Precht, unbeknownst to him.

"We'll take good care of Makarov for you. Fairytail, I mean. I promise."

Her knowing smile sent Yuriy off to Rita. 

Makarov would not be aware, but he would be happy. That's all that truly mattered.

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