[Rowen] Orphanage Visits

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A/N: Spoilers for the 2016 OVA. If spoilers are even possible for something like that.

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Wendy skipped into the guildhall bright and early, excited for the day's event. She knew that it would probably be another number of hours before Cana awoke from whatever drunken stupor she was in, but Wendy was unable to stay still regardless. She took a seat at the usual spot for team Natsu, and patiently waiting for Cana, or anyone really, to arrive.

Her anticipation grew as they did. First the Strauss siblings, then Jet and Droy, along with other various members. Wendy, being the ever popular dragon slayer she was, greeted the wide majority of arivees sweetly. It was this popularity, in fact, that had landed her the role of visiting an orphage with Cana. She went every once in a while, and loved having friends her own age.

Well, at least more friends her own age.

Speaking of which, where was Romeo right now? She knew that he had been sick with the flu recently, and she had missed him sorely. Plus, she was really hoping that he would visit with her this time around. So she waited, for Cana, and for Romeo.

•   •   •


Wendy's voice and face were much sweeter than she felt as she greeted her (sort of) mentor. It was foolish to think that a sick individual would be out and about, but she had been hopeful nonetheless.

Cana reached out and rubbed Wendy's head as she got close enough.

"Are you ready to go, Wendy?" She smiled in a slightly mischievous manner, alcohol thick on her breath.

Wendy frowned at the question, "Yeah... I was just hoping that Romeo would be well enough to come with us by now."

Cana opted for silence as she stared thoughtfully at the young dragonslayer.

"Yeah, the kids are going to be disappointed..." She had been completely on board with the idea of bringing Romeo along to the church orphanage, "You can't just heal him with your magic?"

Wendy shook her head regretfully, "No, I could only do so much."

She had visited Romeo at the first mention of him being sick, but failed in her quest of completely curing him.

"I see," Cana shifted, "Then we'll just have to go without him and  explain it to the kids."

As they made their way out of the guild, she snickered to herself. Wendy looked up in confusion, "What?" 

Was Cana laughing at her?

"Oh, it's just..." Cana paused to laugh by herself, "Having to explain to the kids that your magic couldn't solve everything... not very role model-like, is it?"

Wendy looked to the ground, face bright red from embarrassment.


Cana laughed louder as the stepped out into the fresh air, "I'm just kidding, Wendy. I'm sure they'll understand."

The entire rest of the walk to the church, for the first time, was almost in complete silence.

•   •   •

"Hey, Father Block! You around here?!"

Cana stepped into the courtyard of the church, looking around for the old man. Wendy followed sheepishly, thinking of all the services that were probably being interrupted.

"Father Block?! FATHER BLO-"

"Yes, yes, I'm here, Cana! There's no need to yell!"

Father Block hurried from around the corner, "There's no need to yell," he repeated, even though he knew that Cana wouldn't listen anyways.

Wendy bowed politely, "Sorry, Father Block. We're a little late today."

Said man smiled in response, "Oh, there's no need to worry. Your friend has been doing a good job keeping the children entertained."

She straightened up, a look of surprise on her face, "M-my friend?" She stammered, a chill settling in her spine.

Could it really be who she thought it was?

Father Block nodded vigorously, "Indeed. He - Romeo, was it?- has gotten along with them swimmingly!"

It was!

"O-oh!" Wendy's face heated up at the thought of Romeo being so charming.

She hurriedly shuffled by Father Block, "I'll go and join him, t-then!"

Cana smiled after her, chuckling to herself for the second time that day. Father Block looked over to her in confusion.

"Well, I'm leaving now," she turned around and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?!" Father Block called after her, "What about Wendy and Romeo?!"

She waved over her shoulder, "They know how to get back to the guild! Besides, it's already noon and I haven't had a single drink."

•   •   •


The children of the orphanage crowded around her with glee, happy that their surrogate sister had visited.

"You're here!"

"You never told us that you fought dragons with your guild!"

Yeah, yeah! You and Romeo are sooo cool!"

"Um, yeah, well..." Wendy tried to respond to each of the children, although she was quickly overwhelmed.

"Hey, guys! Why don't we let Wendy get settled first?"

Wendy looked up to see a smiling Romeo standing not too far off from the group.

"Romeo! I thought you were sick?" She approached him, stopping short of throwing herself on him, much like the children on her.

He smiled, "Yup, but I'm feeling better now! I couldn't miss your invitation, now could I?"

Wendy smiled back, forgetting where she was for a second. That was, she forgot until she was pounced on by a rosy cheeked girl.

"Tell us more about the dragons! Please!"

Wendy looked down at her, falling out of her trance, "Sure," she looked up to Romeo, "Shall we?"

He grinned, reminiscent of a certain idol of his, "Yeah!"

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A/N: Requested by and written for AlyssaNicole1220. This another ship that I'm not exactly a fan of, but I hope it's okay.

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