[Gajevy AU] The Darkness Holds (Part One)

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A/N: I was listening to a sad Celtic inspired song, so I kind of got inspired...

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She was a queen. At least, she was to him.

How could he not see her as such? She was sweet and gentle, in her gown made of the finest forest moss and roses. Every creature in the forest halidom, big and small, loved her. Even the blackest of crows and cruelest of demons found solace in the elven girl.

Or so he thought.

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Gajeel was a dragon. A cold and knarled being, to which no one dared to venture near. One of the only exceptions he had ever seen was his own father, Metallicana, who had long since disappeared into the sky.

For a long time, Gajeel had found himself incredibly lonely. Even an equally lonely mermaid that Gajeel had used to see far, far off in the distance--Juvia, he had gathered from his keen hearing, had left to friends of her own.

He, however, couldn't have the same luxury. He was a big, brooding, and terrible creature, out of place in a forest that was much too small for him. He had outgrown even being able to stand in his niche many years ago.

Gajeel had heard whispers throughout the trees of the forest that another dragon, the son of Igneel, had become a great friend and hero to the good hearted creatures of the forest. This had not surprised him; Igneel was the king of the fire dragons, who had given light and warmth to the land. Metallicana, and Gajeel himself, were cold and merciless, dispatching all that dared to disturb their solitude.

So solitude he had been given in spades, relegated to the very end of the light part of the forest, where the trees were knarled and dying. The land of the demons and creatures of darkness was uncomfortably close, but Gajeel didn't particularly mind. They knew better than to mess with a dragon.

And so there he had sat in absolute loneliness for 400 years up to that particular spring day.

The day that a small, blue haired elve had stumbled right through the brush, face planting directly in front of him.

"Ow, that really hurt..." the girl lifted herself off the ground, brushing dirt off of her already earthen clothing.

Gajeel opted to watch in silence as the girl continued to pointlessly clean herself off, managing to not look up and see the towering dragon even once.

It was only was he had sighed particularly loudly that she had finally looked up, right into his narrowed red eyes.

"Eep!" She jumped back in surprise, pointed ears red with what Gajeel could only assume(or hope) was fear, "Who-who are you?"

Her voice was soft and sweet, the kind that makes your heart melt. That wasn't going to work on Gajeel, who's heart was as strong as the toughest iron, and as cold as highest mountain peak.

"You..." Gajeel's voice was loud and menacing, the kind that shook the ground and ricocheted inside of the young elve's heart. His speaking voice had always seemed much more cruel than the voice inside of his head.  

"You," he continued, unshaken by the look of absolute fear in his guest's eyes, "March upon my home, my land, in such a loud and disrespectful manner, and then dare to ask ME for my name?!"

"Uh, uh-well, uh..." the elve shriveled down, at a fearful loss for words.

"I am Gajeel, the iron dragon that has lived in this part of the halidom, undisturbed for the last 400 years! So, I ask, who are you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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