[Zervis] Love, the Equivalent of Hate

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A/N: I've been wanting to do this like forever, so... here it is~ You should probably have atleast a basic knowledge of Fairytail Zero for this.


Mavis Vermillion.

Mavis Vermillion, first master of Fairytail.

Her, it could only be her, to make Zeref remember the weight of of Human life. To tear apart what little humanity he had left inside.

He should've known to stay away from Mavis, all those years ago in the forest. Zeref was well aware of the dangers of going near a human.

But she was different.

Mavis was the embodiment of love and all things good and pure and the world. She valued her friends above everything else and would protect at any cost - even if that cost was her own life. Mavis was to selflessness as Zeref was to selfishness.

As such, Zeref was the opposite of Mavis. The God's hated him to the point of being bitter. He was a selfish and naïve creature, who believed that he could play God and revive his brother (one that Zeref would one day use to end the tragedy that was himself). As such he was punished to spend endless more days on Earth - and causing the demise of those he cared for. As such, he stayed away from people, from anyone he could ever care for. He had no use for friendship.

In that way, Mavis and Zeref were opposites. But opposites attract, don't they?

It wasn't as if they lacked any similarities. They both had a pursuit of magic that would one day cause them to become affected with agelessness (Zeref was mortified to learn that Mavis's use of an incomplete magic caused her to become affected by the curse). They both could never go near anyone they loved ever again.

They shared a great suffering, and they shared a love for each other. It was impossible for Zeref to not associate the two. Was it the cruelty of the world that brought them together? Poor luck? Or was it the foolishness of their human hearts?

Whatever the case was, it was the reason why he killed the only one he ever loved. 

His hateful existence caused her loving one to end. It wasn't like it was intentional by any means. People could die simply by being around him. The more he cared about human lives, the more they died; he was forced to make his heart emotionless. Yet he felt saddened, anguished, and fearful. He knew that Mavis's fate was sealed when he fell in love with her. He ignored himself; allowed his foolish and tarnished hope to take over.

And now she was gone.

The one thing he had in his life. Gone.

He hated it. He hated being cursed for caring about his brother. He hated being punished for caring about human lives, yet not being able to live without the weight of their worth. He hated that he could only love Mavis.

He hated that love could not exist anywhere around him. He accepted that he was a being of hate, and only hate.

To him, love was no different than hate.

He and Mavis had become too intertwined.

Even now, he could not escape her. She followed him; he followed her. It was an foolish struggle that could only end in one of the two disappearing forever, just like their love.

The once upon a time lovers were now enemies who also shared a common enemy.

Considering that the subject is Zeref's fate, it can't be too ironic.

At this point, it was just sad. Zeref was use to sad, use to anguish, use to hate. These feelings would never leave him, not even after his black soul was destroyed by the thing that turned it black.

His brother would surely be guided by the hand of Mavis's once pure soul. A soul that Zeref had stained with the truth of the world.

He had even sullied her body when he dropped her in the ground in front of the guild, simply giving up. He didn't care anymore; he no longer had the capacity to. 

And now he was trying to get that body back after a century. The body that was the container to the lumen histoire, the most powerful magic to exist. Even after death Mavis was forefilling her potential.

But Zeref was too. His potential to destroy the entire world.

After all, love is the equivalent to hate in his eyes.

A/N: Who even fucking knows what this is. I just felt like writing an angsty Zervis drabble.

p.s: For those who don't know,


Natsu is Zeref's brother.

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