[Erikina] If Silence is Golden, Then Solitude is Bliss

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A/N: My titles are either too short or too long. There is no in-between.

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"Erik? Are you up there?"

Kinana stood at the bottom of the knoll that a grand oak tree resided on, looking up. She frowned slightly, the summer heat clinging to her like an awful slime.


No response.

He had to be here, Kinana reasoned with herself, this was the last place that he would ever frequent. He hadn't been by the guild all day, and none of Crime Sorcière knew where he was, so his final go to place had to be it. Even if Cobra liked his solitude to the point of shunning Kinana, there was no way he could move locations without her noticing.

Not that he would want to anyways, as this tree was a prime location. Far removed from Magnolia's bustling markets, heavy foliage that provided privacy and shade, and thick branches that were more than sturdy. Perfect for someone like him. 

Kinana called up one more time, hoping for a response. When she didn't get one, she found herself sighing.

"Well then," she resolved, "If he won't answer me, I'll just have to go up there myself, now won't I?"

With that, Kinana walked up to the tree, inspecting it for a good place to begin her climb.

•   •   •


That was all that filled Cobra's ears as he sat on one of the highest branches on one of the tallest trees in the entire city. He didn't hear the rustle of the leaves, or the chirps of the birds. He didn't hear the whispers, wonders, or thoughts of the people. Not even the loudest of yells. Nothing.

This rare silence was more golden to Cobra than to anyone else.

Up here, in this tree, Cobra could drown out the noises that he was usually so keen on without any difficulty. He could close his eyes and drift off, surrounded by only his own thoughts and feelings for a change. The worries of no one else were impressed upon him.

...That's what he was thinking when he felt a hand fall on his leg, at least.

"Erik! There you are!"

A voice rushed into his ears along with the sounds of the rest of the world, searing the back of his mind.

Well, there goes the silence.

Cobra's eyes flew open, trailing around until he reoriented himself. When he looked down, he was surprised to see Kinana looking up at him from a branch nearby, leaning on his leg for support. What was she thinking? He would never know.

"What do you want, Cubellios?" Cobra question curtly, slightly surprised by the volume of his own voice.

"A-ah... well," Kinana's stroke of confidence dissipated into the summer air, "I wanted to talk to you about something, but you look kinda comfortable. I guess I'll just come back later. Sorry!"

When she was finished flustering over her words, Kinana looked down to begin her journey back down the tree. Before she could do so, however, Cobra grabbed her arm.

"Why're you leaving?" He questioned, "You're already here, might as well stay."


Silence fell once again as Cobra helped Kinana onto a nearby branch. Settling himself back in, Cobra closed his eyes and tried to restore the solace of earlier. Despite his best efforts, he could still hear the rustling of the leaves and the chirps of the birds.

Although he would never admit it, Cobra was a little bit glad that he couldn't hear Kinana's thoughts at the moment. Her constant shifting, however, seemed to make up for this.

Finally, Cobra looked to see Kinana trying to readjust her usually billowy sundress and find some form to properly sit in. She looked very uncomfortable. He sighed, lightly cursing himself.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"

Why was he making conversation?

"Huh," Kinana finally released her dress, "Oh. Never mind about that, it doesn't really matter anymore," she shook her head.

Cobra simply raised his eyebrow at this.

Kinana continued, "Although I do have a question for you..."

"About what?" Cobra had no intention of answering just any question. Especially considering the ones that Kinana would probably come up with.

"Well... about this," she gestured around," Why is it that you always seem to dissapear and isolate yourself from everyone? What good is that?"

Okay... he wasn't expecting that. Should've been, but wasn't.


This time, the silence wasn't golden.

"Erik? Erik, are you okay?"

Cobra's eye must've been twitching, because Kinana was staring down at him curiously.

Cobra inhaled largely before answering, "It's quiet here."

"What?" Kinana looked down at him, wide eyed and mouth slightly agape, "Oh, Erik. That's it? And here I was all worried!" She giggled in relief.

"Hey! It's not funny! I just like my solitude, is all!" Cobra quickly turned pink.

"Oh, I know it's not," Kinana brought a hand to her chest and calmed down, "Though it does make me sad that you don't like spending that time with me. After all, you can't have solitude with two people, right?"

"I really can't understand you, Cubellios..." Cobra mumbled to himself, shifting uncomfortably.

"Who said I didn't like spending time with you?" he continued.

What. Was. He. Doing.

"Oh," Kinana was slightly surprised by his response, "I didn't mean it like that. It's just that you like being alone so much, and I'm really noisy, so it just doesn't work, does it? The solitude is so blissful for you... and yet here I am, so dependent on all my friends."

She sighed, looking wistfully into her hands, "We're not really alike, are we?"

Cobra looked down, surprised. Solitude was... blissful? Yes, he guessed that was right. Silence was his gold, and solitude was his bliss.

In that case, Kinana was his treasure... even if he couldn't always keep it to himself.

Cobra jumped onto the same branch as Kinana, surprising her.

"Erik, you're going to fall!" She gasped.

Cobra opted to ignore this statement, slightly dumbfounded that she honestly that he of all people would fall.

"We don't have to be alike."


"I said, we don't have to be alike."

He held out his hand to Kinana, "You're still a dear friend, Cubellios. We've been through a lot, even if you don't remember it."

Hesitantly, Kinana reached out and grabbed Cobra's hand.

"It's true that you're louder than you once were," he continued, "but I can still share my solitude with you."

"O-okay," Kinana responded brightly, "But does solitude really work like that? I'm pretty sure that goes against the definition."

And there goes the mood. Cobra never really would be able understand her.

He didn't need to.

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A/N: Hahah, was this wierd? If it was, oh well~

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