[Lyredy] Welcome to Lamia Scale

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A/N: So I finally decided to get my shit together and catch up on the Fairytail manga... and wow. I must say, I was not expecting the Lyredy.

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She was beautiful, to say the least. Meredy, that was. It was hard for Lyon to believe that she was once apart of the infamous dark guild Grimoire Heart - she seemed like an angel! The impression Juvia originally had on him couldn't even be compared to what he felt for Meredy.

So now he stood there awkwardly, trying to think of a way to approach the pink haired Mage without scaring her off.

"It's so good to see you again, Juvia!" she chattered on with said Mage.

Ah, yes. She was good friends with the old love interest. Of all people, why did it have to be her?

Crime Soircerie had been kind enough to drop by  Lamia Scale at the same time as Fairytail. Lyon couldn't help but wonder how coincidental it was, considering that Jellal had quickly dissapeared with Erza, but he was thankful none the less. It gave him a chance to get closer with Meredy.

Assuming that he didn't scare her off.

He calmly approached the entrance of the guild, with the two chatting women. Before he could, however, he was beat there by someone else.


"Huh?" She turned around to look at them."Oh, Gray-sama!"

Lyon frowned as he hovered in his place, observing the situation. Of course it was his rival to derail his attempts at wooing a girl... even if he hadn't yet made one.

Gray motioned for Juvia to follow him, and she quickly complied, leaving Meredy forgotten. She smiled slightly as she looked on at her friend, unphased by her abandonment. Lyon cleared his throat has he approached his now open destination.

"Hello, Meredy." Lyon smoothly greeted as he came to a halt.

"Oh," she looked surprised by his presence for a moment before smiling, "Hello Lyon."

Somewhere deep inside, Lyon was glad that he hadn't come in too strong. He had learned from his mistakes with Juvia.

"So, what do you think of our guild so far?" Now it was time to move the interaction from being awkward. Fortunately, Meredy took the bait.

She perked up a bit at the question. "I've enjoyed it very much, actually!" She brought her finger to her chin to think for a moment.

Cute. Lyon hoped his blush wasn't noticeable. 

"This place is very beautiful and has a nice feel to it, but..."

She trailed off as she thought for a moment longer. Lyon waited patiently. He had to be a good host, after all. 

Even if the hosted just so happened his crush who may or may not insult the guild he belonged to.

"...I think I'd like to see the town, too!"

"Huh." Lyon snapped out of his stupor. Was she.. inviting him?

"I mean," he quickly recovered his cool attitude, "I could show you around, if you like. I know a couple of good places we could go." He half smiled, half smirked, glad that he had seized the opportunity so graciously given to him.

Meredy smiled at him.

"Sure, why not? I'd love to!"

He cleared his throat.

"Then let's be on our way, shall we?"

•   •   •

"Ehh?! This place is so beautiful!"

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