[Rogura] Never Play With the Fairies

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A/N: Went out of my comfort zone for this one, I'm usually not a crack ship enthusiast. Sort of spoilers for the most recent arc... if you even notice it...?

And apologies for any OOC-ness.

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This was such a bad idea. Truth or dare was such a terrible idea. She should've listened to Laxus' (condescending) warning.

"I wouldn't play with these fairies if I were you," he said as he left the guild with the Raijinshu, "Things tend to get out of hand."

He was so, so, right. It was his guild, why wouldn't he be?

Kagura squirmed in discomfort as she sat in the circle around a fire. She frowned into her lap as she sat in seiza, the warmth of the flames licking at her cheeks. She felt someone nudge her, and she looked up to see none other than a very smug Erza.

"Well Kagura," she wiggled her eyebrows, "What's it going to be?"

The purple haired warrior sighed, carefully weighing her options. Answer dare, and risk being forced into doing something sexually suggestive and outright embarrassing. Choose truth, and be forced to reveal the reason why she kissed Erza (she "kissed" Jellal during an earlier battle and only felt it right to repay the action), or worse... be forced to reveal her crush. At the thought, she snuck a look at him, sitting across the fire.

Rogue messed around with Sting and Frosch, clearly uninterested in the events playing out. Kagura could only imagine that he had been roped into playing this game, much like her. She wasn't even a part of Sabertooth or Fairytail, she just so happened to be in the area for a job.

One moment she was fighting a particularly fierce wyvern, and the next, well... she found herself at Fairytail being coaxed into a game of "Truth or Dare". She sighed, aware of all of the sets of eyes on her.

She closed her eyes and brought a finger to her chin in thoughtful resignation, "Dare. I choose dare," she stated with false confidence.

Ezra's eyes lit up at this, clearly receiving the response she was hoping for.

"Kagura!!" She jumped up, pointing a finger at her unfortunate victim, "I dare you to strip!"

Sexual and embarrassing, indeed.

Kagura sighed again before standing up, eyes still closed. She was not the first victim to Erza, noting a sobbing Lucy seated next to Natsu. There was also Mirajane (this could be considered called for, however, as Mirajane had earlier caught Erza with a dare that could only be called savage), who looked as bitter as was probably possible for her from her mostly naked little spot.

"I-if you wish..."

Her hands hesitated when they gripped on her obi, gulping harshly. Calmly, she did just as instructed, revealing more than modest undergarments. Erza frowned as she sat back down, dissatisfied with the lack of exposed skin.

She too sat back down, suddenly glad for the heat provided by the fire against the cold night air. Perhaps that was why Lucy sat so close to Natsu...

Finally, Kagura opened her eyes, aware that it was now her turn.

Before she realized what she was saying, the words slipped out of her mouth.

"Rogue... truth or dare?"

He looked up to her in surprise, not expecting to be called on by her of all people. Sting laughed loudly, glad that his teammate would finally be getting the same kind of treatment that he had earlier... six times. Perhaps he was so popular since he was a guild master? Kagura didn't really know, nor did she care.

Rogue was her main focus, and she waited for his response.

What if he chose truth? Her mind wondered at the questions she could ask.

Are you currently dating someone?

Do you like me?

Would you be interested in someone from Mermaid Heel?

Or the tried and true: Who do you have a crush on?

Rogue, however, seemed to have different plans.

"Dare, but take it easy on me, okay?"

It was when he smiled at Kagura so serenely that she realized that she had not thought this through at all.

She lowered her head in thought, hiding any possible blush in the process.

She mindlessly listened as Sting smacked Rogue's shoulder and call him a coward. What could she do that wouldn't be physically cruel, or give away her interest in him? Nothing sexual, of course, as she was way above such a thing.

"Lets see..." she finally looked up, "Why don't you, um... give up Frosch for a day...?"

Her voice couldn't help but waiver at the look of sheer shock on her love interest's face. Was that being too harsh?

"What?!" the shock also dripped off of his voice, "To who?" Sting laughed cruelly, and Frosch looked around in confusion at mention of his name.

"Umm... to me, I suppose. I don't know of anyone else to entrust him to..."

"Fro thinks so too!"

And that was how Kagura ended up with Frosch for the rest of the night.

Other than that, the next twenty minutes were uneventful, save occasionally dodging flying mages or Ezra's gaze. She nearly lost possession of Frosch to Gray, but Juvia had profusely objected to the idea for one reason or another. The whole situation confused her, really.

Then, just as Kagura was about to fall asleep from exhaustion and boredom, someone called her name.

"Kagura... truth or dare?"

It was none other than Mirajane.

She very nearly allowed the word "truth" slip out of her mouth, but a certain name struck her... Match Maker.

Yes, Kagura had been told of the exploits of Match Maker Mirajane from several of Fairytail's members, and she had felt it only a matter of time before a straight shooting girl like her was caught in the demon's grip. No no, she didn't risk it with Erza, and she wouldn't risk it now.


And so she waited for a response.

"Okay then... I want you to go a date with Rogue!"

Well, at least she tried.

Kagura's heart skipped a beat at the mention of her crush, and she looked over at him in surprise. When their eyes met, she looked down in pure embarrassment.

Rogue spoke up for her.

"Why?!" He sounded angry, "I have nothing to do with this dare!"

Sting, and even Natsu laughed at his futile attempts.

"Once Mira has her eyes set on a pair, there's no getting out of it," Cana spoke up, shaking around a bottle of wine. Kagura was almost certain that she had already passed out from the alcohol in her system.

"That's right, Cana," a dark aura appeared around Mirajane, "So don't try to get out of this."

"Y-yes ma'am..." Rogue conceded. Kagura stared on in stunned silence.

"Good!" Mirajane chimed, "It'll be fun! And cute! Mostly cute!"

Kagura sighed, smiling to herself. The Match Maker really saw through her, huh? She was grateful.

"Okay Kagura, it's your turn now!"

"Huh? Oh, right... let's go with Wendy this time. Truth or dare?"

Perhaps playing with the fairies wasn't all that bad after all.

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A/N: Lol, this is a sad excuse for a chapter after my extended absence. Whatever. Happy New Year's!

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