[Erikina/Kinabra] Pesky

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A/N: Just realized that Kinabra is in my autocorrect.

(3rd POV)

Cobra sat at the Fairytail guild bar. It became his go to spot after the council pardoned Crime Sorcière due to their role in the defeat of Zeref. It was only natural that Jellal would decide to merge with the guild of his lover.

So now he sat there, being antisocial and in a crappy mood. Or rather, in a shitty mood.

He softly growled in annoyance as another lewd thought rang out in his ears. A thought directed towards his Cubellios - or Kinana, as she was known by the rest of the guild. She was currently going through the rounds and serving drinks to her guild, and being hit on. As usual. Why the hell was it usual? It's not like people didn't know about their relationship...

Cobra said nothing as Kinana appeared next to him, seemingly done with her duty at the moment.


She looked in worry as Cobra continued to fume and blankly stare foward.

"Ummm... Erik? What's wrong?", she asked softly.

"Your guild," he stoutly replied, "It's pesky."


The word didn't sound quite write on Kinana's tounge. Strange, yes. Rambunctious, yes. Unique, yes. Even insane, but never pesky. It just wasn't used to describe her guild. It didn't capture the essence of Fairytail quite right.

Cobra finally turned towards Kinana stunned silence and threw her a curious glance.

"Yes, pesky... what!" Cobra was quickly becoming peeved at his girlfriend's lack of response.

She shook her head, almost in disbelief. She turned her knees towards the bar.

"It's just that... well, that's the first time I've heard someone describe the guild as pesky.", Kinana explained.

It was Cobra's turn to be surprised.

"Seriously? Well, it is..." he returned to his original demeanor, much to Kinana's interest and confusion.

She cocked her head and quirked an eyebrow, "Why do you think that?"

It was simple question, but it filled Cobra with a certain level dread. There were certain things that he would never admit to, and that was one of them. Not because of his pride, but because it someone would be bound to mistake it for something else.

Kinana blinked expectantly, deciding to use her innocent charm.

"Um, well...", Cobra stuttered.

Well, shit.

"*Fuck*... Not all of the guild, if that's what you wanna know."

"It's obviously not what I want to know. Why are you avoiding the question? It's not like it's complicated."

Now had this been anyone else, he would've sent them away long ago(not that many would even talk to  him). Kinana was special to him. Very special. She was his first true friend and the only one he ever truly wanted to here. Now that he had that, he wasn't about to let it go. Through thick and thin, she was his trusted companion.

Cobra sighed and dropped his chin to his chest before recollecting himself.

"They don't treat you right...", he grumbled


Kinana leaned in on Cobra's shoulder as if she hadn't heard what he said, much to his dismay. He leaned back a little, put off the the sudden behavior. Noticing this, Kinana leaned back before putting her hands on her knees and saying,

"Continue, Erik."

Never in his life had he been so uncomfortable around her, Cubellios or Kinana. How was it possible that someone so polite and sweet could put him on the spot like that?

Cobra crossed his arms as he stated, "Some of the guild members have questionable intent, is all."

Kinana paused momentarily before responding, "You're listening in on people's thoughts again, aren't you?"

Cobra scowled.

"We never established that I ever stopped. You act like I do it voluntarily."

"Do you?"

Cobra did not respond, evidently displeased by her response. Kinana smiled sheepishly, not sure if she had done something wrong.

Cobra leaned on his elbow and broke eye contact for a second.

With sincerity and clarity, he began, "I'm fine with doing it if it means-"

"Oi Kinana, bring us a few more drinks!"

Cobra threw his best drop dead glare at Wakaba, who quickly recoiled in fear. The other members of his table laughed at him for doing so.

"Don't go interrupting Cobra now!", Makao exclaimed.

"Better go get that drink yourself, Wakaba!", Cana piled on.

"So fucking pesky..." Cobra scowled in their direction a moment longer before turning his direction back to a now flustered Kinana.

"Now what were you saying Erik?"

"Oh," Cobra said, "Doesn't really matter..."

Kinana pouted.

"It was important for you to keep me here!", she countered.

"Yeah, but..." His eyes drifted towards Mirajane, who he'd been floating closer and closer over the span of the conversation.

"Oh." Kinana nodded in understanding.

Somewhere along the line, Mirajane had earned herself the title of matchmaker. No one was too sure of how true it was, but they also lacked any intentions of finding out.

Kinana turned back to Cobra and waved him in close. 

"Just whisper in my ear so she won't hear! I really want to know!"

Cobra say back reluctantly before deciding just to get it over .

"I'd be willing to do anything if it means I get to keep you safe and happy."

A/N: Lol the only reason I didn't post over Winter break was because I was too lazy to login. That, and I've been in a Katekyo Hitman Reborn mood lately.

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