[Brax] Incest

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A/N: For those who don't know, Brax stands for Broom x Max. Be prepared, this is really stupid.

The single light flickered sullenly. It gently creaked as it swung from its rusting chain, illuminating the scene below.

Max stood his ground in the middle of the static scenario taking place in the supply closet. He knew it would happen eventually, it always did in this type of situation. Incest screwed up so much.

The broom silently fumed and bristled as it stared over Max's shoulder. Behind him, the candlabra of a mistress stood in its taunting golden glory.

Fucking candlabra.

"Alright broom, calm down... allow me to explain..." Max attempted to reason.

Boom! Crack! The lighting streaked across the dusty window as the rain began to pound the guild.

The broom took the opportunity to lung at candlabra in its moment of distraction.


Max was now holding back the broom as it thrashed about wildly. The candlabra shiny coating glinted as it looked upon the scene, clearly amused. It probably would have giggled if it had the ability to.

Max once again attempted to reason with the broom, "Hear me out! It was-grr-the heat of the moment! A one night stand-urgh! We were at the Grand Magic Games, you must understand!" (A/N: I don't actually remember if that's true...)

Behind him, the candlabra gently swayed, as if to dispute his claims.

That Fucking candlabra...

The broom finally returned to its fuming, realizing that the candlabra wanted  Max and it to argue. It wanted Max.

Crash! Boom!

The light bulb suddenly died, drowning the room into darkness(save the little bit of light that infiltrated the room through the window).

"Max," Mirajane called from above, "please bring up the candlabra!"

"Got it!" Max yelled back in response. He turned his attention back to the broom.

"I understand that you need more time, so why don't you use this opportunity to think everything through, okay? I'll be back."

The broom simply bristled as Max slipped out of the room with the candlabra.

This wasn't over...

A/N: #TeamForeverAlone, am I right?

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