|Chapter Ten|

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Chapter Ten:
Rachel's POV

Michael and I were just kissing when he goes limp and falls on me. I feel a warm liquid on my chest and see it's actually blood.

"MICHAEL!" I scream. Trying to shake him away, as if that would happen. I start crying like a maniac. With shaking hands, I take out my phone. I call the ambulance and wait for them to pick up. I tell them to rush over here beause someone just got shot.

The next few hours go by in a flash. Michael is rushed to the hospital. I'm told that he needs surgery. And here I am now, waiting for the news to see if he makes it out alive. Because if he doesn't, I don't know what I would do.

I eventually fall asleep on the hard, uncomfortable hospital chair.
When I wake up, I see the boys talking with the Doctor. I get up and walk over to them. The doctor has a blank expression on his face, so I don't know what he's going to tell me. As I'm walking over, I overhear the conversation he is having with the boys.

"He's in a coma. He lost to much blood. We managed to remove the bully from his chests. He didn't injure any vital organs but we don't know if he will wake up, like I said, he lost to much blood." By the time He had finished, I was standing next to the boys.

"Can we go see him" I asked. The doctor nodded.

"Only one at a time. If he wakes up, we don't want him to be overwhelmed." He said. We all nodded and agreed that I should go in first. I walk up to the hospital room and slowly opened the door. I almost screamed but covered my mouth.

Michael ha his hair spread all over his face. He was paler than usual and had IVs with machines connected to all of them. I felt tears build in my eyes, but I held them back. I had to be strong for Michael.

I grabbed a hospital chair and bought it closer to where he is. I grabbed his hand and I eventually fell asleep, dreaming that everything would be ok, for now.
I woke up two hours later. I was still holding Michael's hand. I read somewhere that people in comas can hear mostly everything. I decided to talk to him

"Michael, please don't die." I said. Nothing happen. I expected him to wake up like in the movies, but he didn't, so I continued.

"I might not get the chance to say this, but Michael, I love you so fucking much. You mean so much to me and losing you would be like losing another piece of myself." I said, tears already running down my face.

"I love you too." I hear someone say. I look up and see the person I wanted to see the most..

Hola. Drama is gunna get real plus unexpected plot twist. Happy almost thanksgiving.


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