Chapter Twenty Four

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"Quit moving or your hair is going to be uneven," I say holding my hand with the scissors still as I hold them up above Aiden's head.

His hair was wet and smelled like his masculine smelling shampoo. I stood in front of him, a layer of his dark hair in one hand and the scissors in the other as he held his hands on my waist. Every time that I went to clip the ends off, he would move, or press his face into my stomach and after almost five minutes of his little act I was getting irritated.

"Seriously Aiden," I cry out when he nips at the skin on my stomach. "Do you want me to do this or not?" I say looking down into his eyes. The gray of his beautiful eyes had gotten darker over the last couple minutes and were now a dark graphite grey. The way he was looking at me made me think that he was either angry or hungry, and it had to be the latter because I hadn't done anything wrong. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" he asked looking up at me with a dazzling smile

"Because your eyes. They're darker."

"Of course they would be," he says with a blank look in his eyes.

"Do you need to eat?" I asked worried because of what had happened last time.

"No. I'm enjoying it."

I drop my hands and place the scissors on the sink. "Huh?"

"Of course I would feel a different way when my mate is standing right in front of me and she smells absolutely amazing," he runs his fingers over the sliver of skin exposed by him holding onto my hip and I shiver at the feeling. "Though there is something different about your scent that has changed. It's different," he says biting his lip.

"Different in a bad way or a good way?" I asked worriedly.

Was I getting sick again? Was this why I've been feeling a little off today? Right now I'm fine, but I've been feeling on and off again all day. I'd rather be getting sick again than have my change in scent be because of my smell.

"I'm not sure yet."

"Are you saying I smell? Because I took a show-" I stop at Aiden's laugh.

"Love, you could never smell to me."

I stare at him a moment longer before picking the scissors back up. "Now, are you ready for real this time?" I asked with a smile because I never can stay mad at him for long- no matter how much he irritates me.

"Yes," he says leaning his head forward and resting his hands on my hips like before.

I grab a layer of hair and pick up the scissors, poised to cut, but hold still for a few seconds to see if Aiden is going to start up his antics again, but when he doesn't, I snip the hair in a straight and even line.

Once all of the hair was cut off the ends, I grab the blow dryer and begin to dry his hair and step back when I'm all done to see how it looks. I move my hands through the front, moving the strands around until it looks right and when I'm done, I bite my lip at how sexy he looks with that disheveled, just woke up look.

Yeah, my mate is a total stud, I think.

"You know I can read your mind, right?" Aiden laughs with a shake to his head.

I giggle. "I forgot."

"I love your laugh," he says, pulling me onto his lap.

"And I love you," I say kissing him on the side of his mouth.

"I love you more."

"No I do," I insist.

"I don't think that's possible."

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