Chapter One

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I decided What the Heck, let the chips fall where they may and decided to upload another chapter. Hope you like it!

I remember the day that I was diagnosed like it was yesterday. I had been coughing alot, and had a fever. My mom thought I had the flu, so she wanted to take me to the doctor. If you knew my mother, you would know that she takes it seriously when a member of the family is sick. Even if you had a cold, we had to take a trip to the hospital. My father thught it was unnecessary, but my mom insisted on taking me.

When we went to the back the doctor took one look at me, and knew something was wrong. I was coughing, had a fever, and was breathing fast. My body was sore, I had shortness of breath, and felt so weak. After explaining my symptoms to the doctor, he gave me a checkup and checked my lungs with the stethoscope. After that things went downhill. He asked to talk to my mom alone in his office while I waited. When they came back my mom's face was pale and Dr. Moore looked sympathetic. I immediately knew something was wrong.

Dr. Moore requested I not eat anything for the next 24 hours so that he could take blood samples the next day. After the horrifying doctor's visit we made our way home. Mom was quiet, and barely spoke to me, though she kept reassuring me that everything would be okay. She never did tell me what the doctor said. At home mom told dad the news and he wasn't so happy after that.

The next day the three of us made our way down to the doctor's office where they took my blood, and did a few other tests. After that there was another wait. This one 48 hours.

That was the longest two days ever. Mom kept me out of school those days, and her and dad stayed with me while my brother and sister went to school. Mom didn't tell them something was wrong with me, but you could see the worried looks on their faces.

We all knew that something was wrong when mom and dad kept secrets from us. Our family was never the one for secrets.

After the 48 hour wait we went back to see Dr. Moore, and again, I had to wait in the examination room while he gave my parents the results of my test. But me being the impatient person I am, snuck out to Dr. Moore's office so that I could find out what was wrong with me.

As I neared his office, I began to hear the doctor's booming voice.

"-While the test results came back negative for pneumonia, the tests came back positive for... leukemia. I'm so sorry Mr. and Mrs. Huntley."

"No! Not my Baby Girl!" I heard my father yell, as my mother sobbed rather loudly.

"We have to keep Sah'nai in the hospital for observation. I'm sorry," Dr. Moore apologised again over my mother's sobs.

"H-how l-loong does s-she h-have?," sobbed my mother.

"Six months."

I had stopped listening after that. Everything was a blur and my mind couldn't register what was happening. Six months. Six months to live.

You have got to be kidding me, I thought.

I was only seventeen. I wasn't even on my senior year of high school for crying out loud! What was I going to do?

One Week Later

Today I was going back home. After a week of tests and being in the hospital, I got tired. So I decided that since I was going to die in six months I might as well go home. To be in my own bed.

My mom and dad tried convincing me to stay in the hospital, to try the chemo that they offered. I decided against it. No matter how much chemo and medicine they would give me, I would die anyways. I told my mom as much, but that only made her angry. She said that she didn't want me thinking that way, and that I had to have faith in God's plan. I did, and I believe that this was his plan. For me to live the last months of my life normally. As if I wasn't dying.

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