Chapter Eight: Party?

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Chapter Eight

“A party?” Lillian asked with a raised brow as she held her fork in midair while we listened to the Smith brothers.

Blake nodded, “We’re throwing ourselves a welcome back party.”

“More like an excuse to go drunk and bang some desperate chicks,” I snorted before I took a big bite of my pizza.

“Think whatever you like, Celeste,” Lucas rolled his eyes, “Anyways, you’re all invited, even Everett.”

Drew gave me a withering look and I only gave him a comforting smile. These two brothers has been nothing but harsh on him. They may not hurt him physically but they’re slashing out his self-esteem. It made me a little guilty because if it weren’t for me, he wouldn’t be sitting on this table while enduring the taunts thrown to him by the twins.

“Who else is invited?” Jessica inquired only to receive a Cheshire grin from them. I was already dreading what was coming next.

Blake shot up from his seat and cupped the sides of his hands, “Party at my house tonight!” he yelled which followed by cheers from the student body.

How fucking fantastic, he invited the whole school. I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw some of the younger teachers go there and some students who were trying to pin on them.

I never understood the student/teacher love thing.

I shot Blake a dirty look when he sat back down. It wasn’t like I’m not used to parties but I hate it when it goes out of control and I’m sure inviting the whole school is just a recipe for disaster.

“Lighten up, pres,” Lucas mocked. He said that I was a big goodie-two-shoes and I’m sure the fact I was elected as student body president wasn’t helping my case.

Basically all I did for the rest of the day was to ignore the Smith brothers at all cost and scold them every time they bully Drew.

Since it was Friday, I decided that it was time to relax so I told everybody in the dance committee that we wouldn’t be working today.

Also because I hate to waste my Friday afternoon watching people put up useless decoration that would torn down the minute the last couple at the dance leave the gym.

I grinned when I caught Drew stuffing his books into his locker. I happily skipped to where he was and kept my grin when he turned his attention to me.

“The party hasn’t even started and you looked like you’re high already,” he chuckled, closing his locker shut.

“Speaking of the party,” I started when we walked down the hall, “What time do you plan to go there?”

“I’m not going,” he deadpanned.

Well, that was quick.

“Why not?” I whined and he ran a hand through his brown locks.

“I don’t go to parties.”

“Ever?” I asked and he nodded.

“Never been to one.”

“Well then,” I drawled out, my grin creeping back to my face, “Looks like this is going to be your first party.”

“I’m not going,” he rolled his eyes, “I don’t even know where those idiots live.”

Ignoring his first statement, I climbed down the stairs leading to the parking lot, “I know where they live so I’ll pick you up at seven.”

When I turned to walk to my car, I heard him yell after me, “Shouldn’t it be the guy who’ll be picking up the girl?”

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