The Soul Taker [Creepypasta Oc]

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Real name: Nyx Jolteon

Cp name: The Soul Taker

I like the creepypasta name XD

Age: 22 (nope no teens here suckas X3)


D.O.B: December, 16 1993
Species: Soul Eater

Class of Soul Eater: ( Well if I'm putting a Oc that's a soul eater this will be here) Shadow

I would add a little more detail on that part--

Like what exactly is a shadow soul eater?

What other types are there and what do they all mean or do?

Sexuality: Bisexual

Mother: Frankie Jolteon

Father: Andrew Jolteon

Looks: Messy short white hair, pale pink eyes, pale skin, gray trench coat, navy blue shirt with a poker face on it, baggy green pants and gray sneakers

Trench coats are good for hiding weapons, and thank god she's not wearing skinny jeans, a hoodie, and combat boots :')

Personality: Cold, emotionless, and can be kind but that's rare

Makes sense. Since she's a killer and all xD

Personality before she became a cp: Naive, socially awkward and kind

Backstory: Nyx had a somewhat normal life, well if you can call living in fear of being dissected and killed by S.E.E. all the time normal. Since Nyx was one of the three shadow soul takers she could only go outside for a few hours every week, only for her safety cause S.E.E is about everywhere looking for unsuspecting soul eaters to kill. One week when she was 12, Nyx decided to use those few hours of freedom at a park her mother would bring her to when she was younger. During those few hours she met these three girls named Hayden, Sarah and Jessica, somehow she managed to become their friend. About 6 years later when she was 18 they found out her secret and were afraid of her. They ran out screaming, that day Nyx vanished and Jessica and Sarah were found dead in their beds. Hayden joined S.E.E and all that was left of Nyx was a note in her room that said; "The wolf went rouge and she is hungry, now she needs to kill all the little piggies in the world cause she is hungry and tired of living in fear!". Now Nyx just prowls around looking for her next unlucky victim.

The note scares me

Weapon: A khopesh and she carries duck tape with her

I haven't seen an oc using a khopesh before :^)

MS: While her victim is sleeping she puts ducktape over their mouth and stabs them in the heart. She then collects their soul in a sack bag and stuffs them into their freezer. The victim is usually found with a crossed over 27 carved into their forehead.

I like that she ducktapes their mouths, because surely if you go around stabbing people through the night someone is bound to hear them.

Strengths: Speed and stamina

Weaknesses: If she doesn't eat a soul every two weeks her body will slowly shut down and she will die of starvation, she isn't really strong so she can be easily overpowered by a grown man, is more vulnerable in the daylight cause she can't use the shadows to escape, since she has albinism she is very is vulnerable to sunburn

Yesss she's not super over powered!

Other: Always loved the tale of "The three little pigs", refers to regualr humans as "little piggies", an refers herself as the wolf in the store but in her mind the wolf won and ate the pigs, and she uses her bangs to hide her soul eater eye

Disorders: Albinism (Also to explain how she got her kopesh, usually soul eaters are given a weapon and their father trains them in the area of that weapon. In Nyx's case she woukd be trained in the blade area)

I'm glad you explained her appearance. Most people don't do that.

Flaws: She pushes her guilt to the side so much that it explodes in violent anger




Maybe change souleater to something else. Maybe something Latin?

I'd make her a bit more menacing.

Wouldn't it be satisfying to know that your oc could send shivers down someone's spine (:

95% original

5% changeable

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