Taint Zimmer [Non-Fandom Oc]

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Name: Taint Zimmer

Such a creative name :^)

Gender: boy

Species: shapeshifter

Haven't seen this before--

Age: 200+ (looks 13)

Hmm.. I don't understand this.. Is it because of the species? xP

Appearance: a bit
short, he has slightly tan skin and bright teal eyes (shapeshifters tend to have oddly colored eyes) with fluffly black hair that has a light blue fringe, he tends to wear a black, white, and grey striped and long-sleeved wool shirt and greyish blue jeans. he has mid-thigh high black boots that are slightly scuffed up.

Thanks for explaining the somewhat odd colored eyes :^)

Sexuality: smol Bisexual child (·v· )

Omffggg yess♥♥

Personality: loud, not very loyal, quick to judge, trickster, hides his true emotions, irritable if he doesn't get what he wants

Personality makes sense :')

Family: parents - his mother was half shapeshifter and when his dad found out (because Taint was born a shapeshifter), he was enraged and left his mother. she was already suicidal (dad didn't know) and him leaving just made her even more depressed so she ended up killing herself...

siblings - only child, (his mom had actually wanted a girl 0^0)

adopted mother - alive&a werewolf with full control

I'd stay away from the werewolf stuff. Some people may find it Mary Sue or Gary Stu-ishhh.

Backstory: the neighbors came over to congratulate them the next day and found him crying so they took him to an orphanage (they already had about 6 kids...) and 12 years later the werewolf (his adopted mom) attacked the orphanage and killed everyone except Taint. She was confused as to why she couldn't bring herself to kill him. they later figured out that it was because he was another mythical creature.

Likes: food, treasure, space, blood (it fascinates him)
Strengths: flexible, agile, persuasive, fast

Flaws: low stamina, (asthma) easily distracted, changing forms takes absolute concentration

Yess he's not flawless :>


He's a great oc, he has many good qualities and original features. I like that he isn't flawless, and his species isn't overused.

But.. The werewolf part is a bit... Well, I would change her to something else. For the back story to make sense she needs to be inhuman. I would probably make her a sorcerer or siren, idk something that's not overused though.

And the age didn't really make sense, you don't have to change it but at least explain.

Despite those two things that would be better off changed, I love this oc, he is precious♥♥♥

90% Original

10% Changeable

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