Nome De Plume [Creepypasta Oc]

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Fandom: Creepypasta

Name: Nome De Plume

Actual Name: Unknown

Instead of putting unknown you should probably put his actual name. Even if no one else knows it he had to have been born with a real name.

Age: Mid to Early Twenties

Gender: Male

Race of Origin: French Caucasian (Mother is French, Father is American)

Yay cool heritage XD

Species: Human

Personality: Very flirty and mildly seductive yet helpful when solving problems. His voice is deep, which gives others the feeling of confidence and power. Nome is also a good listener and seem like a nice guy, but once you see his true nature, he gives you the chills. In reality, he's really obsessed with women and obsessed about how 'angelic' they are. So in truth, he's a creepy sort of nice. He's the type of guy who turns sour halfway through the encounter and kills the woman after they sort of get the hint that he's crazy.

Seems legit

Sexuality: Truthfully...? Asexual. I do believe that if he found the right person though, it would most likely be a guy. He wouldn't dare touch a woman that way nor cause them pain by impregnating them, which is why (if he ever did), he would take his sexual frustrations on a man.

Relationship: None.

Good, good

Occupation: Street Artist. Also a make-up artist and clothing designer on the side.

D.O.B: April 1, 1983

Weight: 171 lbs.

Height: 5'10

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Dark Brown


Appearance/Outfit: Wears a white, button-up shirt with a black tie and a grey vest. He also wears black pants and a bag filled with sketch books and pencils. His fingers are always covered with lead on the corners and his pants always look a little worn. Nonetheless, he is a good-looking man with a calm, sort of sloppy look to him. His hair is also tied back while the front part of his hair falls out in front of his face. He also wears a pair of black glasses that he pushes up occasionally.

Lives: Nowhere. He is constantly moving so that the authorities can't catch him.

Makes perfect sense

Fears: The death of children or the loss of one. Facing his father.

Powers/Abilities: No powers, but he does know how to draw/do makeup and hypnotize women with his voice

Wot, unless he's a siren that doesn't work .3.

I would put "seduce with his [insert something besides voice here]"?

Weapons: Anything he can get his hands on.

How He Kills/Wounds In Combat: (Step 1) Go to a dark, secluded area in the night and hope a woman with problems comes around to prey upon. (Step 2) Ask the woman if she could be your model and if she says no, convince her to say yes. (Step 3) Ask her what she thinks heaven would be like and what place reminds her of it. Also try to get to know her before drawing her so you can know what she is doing/wearing in 'heaven'. (Step 4) Go up to her and fix her posture and such. As well as her hair. Make sure that she relaxes around you before drawing her. (Step 5) Draw her and ask her what is troubling her that evening. Depending on her answer, draw her with her eyes open or her eyes shut. If her eyes are open, that means she's in a troubled relationship. If closed, then it's family/ work problems. (Step 6) Console her and get her to warm up to you. Show her your picture and tell her she is beautiful, regardless of the circumstances. (Step 7) Use your hypnotic voice to put her to sleep and after that, cut off her air supply by covering her nose and mouth. If she struggles, bash her head in. (Step 8) Take her body and get to work. (Step 9) Dress her up in the dress she is wearing in your drawing and do her makeup to make her look flawless. Do her hair. Pick her underwear. Everything. (Step 10) Take her to the place where she said heaven looks like and place her there. Make sure it looks exactly like the drawing you made and that she looks happy and peaceful. (Step 11) Leave the scene only leaving your signature on her wrist.

Weakness: He can't overpower men. And if child walks in on him in the process of murdering a woman, he would instantly stop. It kills the mood for him entirely.

Not overpowered yeyy

Strengths: Manipulation, hypnotism, drawing women in, and good at avoiding attention.

Cause of Death: N/A


Does that means he's not dead


History: This CP grew up with his mom and dad, who were both alcoholics. Even though that was the case, his mom still supported her son when he pursued his drawing while his father went off to gamble and never really came home.

I would say 'no' to this but since he isn't abused and his mother supports him, then its fine

To Nome, his mother was his beacon of light and he relied on her a lot. But after his father was caught cheating on his mother, Nome's mother went into deep depression and Nome grew up having to watch the light in his mother's eye fade. Then she died one day. Apparently while she was alone, she drank too much and choked on her own vomit. But in reality, Nome was there when it occurred. While she was sleeping, she looked like she was having a good dream, which is why he didn't stop her death. He wanted her to be happy, just that once.

After that, Nome grew up thinking only about his mother's death and how he could have saved her, which led him spiraling into insanity. In the end, he concluded that he would 'save' every troubled woman and take them to heaven. That is why he kills them and takes them to their happy place. Nome feels like it's his obligation and that nothing could ever stop him from fulfilling that task.

Quotes: "Mind if I draw you?"
"*chuckles*.... What if I said I could take you to heaven?"
"My mother was my favorite person to draw."
"What do you think heaven looks like?"

Enemies: The Police..?  (Open)

Allies: N/A. Children. (Open)

Neutral: (Open)

Relatives: Mother (deceased). Father (incarcerated)

Body Type: He looks like a regular, handsomely built guy, but underneath those layers of clothes he has decent muscles. He needs to stay fit in order to carry bodies around, you know?


Habits: He can't help telling a women that they are beautiful. Nome likes to pin his hair back, even though it falls back into place. He loves children, so if a child walks up to him or bumps into him, he WILL smile and give them a drawing.

Disabilities: Um.. He wears glasses, so he's farsighted (he can't see things that are close).

Strength: umm... He can't fight a man so... 6.

Speed: Hmn... Girls can't run that well in high heels so... Maybe a 5

Agility: 6

Stealth: 8

Flexibility: 7. He draws on the floor all the time. Reaching for things at awkward angles is natural for him.

Stamina: 4. He's well built and all, but he's an artist. He gets lazy and tired. And it's not like he gives his 'Angels' a chance to run away in the first place.

Balance: 3

Stability: a high 5...... Get it? *double pistols and a wink*



There were a few things missing, although on most you were very descriptive.

His personality fits what he does, and it fits that he's a killer.

He looks really realistic for a humanoid creepypasta which is something very rare.

There are many good things about this, however, I have found a thing or two that would be better off changed.

The whole "hypnotize women with his voice" doesn't work. Maybe if he was a very convincing person, not that he can hypnotize women, then that would work.

97% original

3% changeable

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