Red [Creepypasta Oc]

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Fandom: Creepypasta
Name: Rosalina Sparx

Normal, good

Title: Red

Age: 14


Creepypasta ocs under 19 are cliche

Gender: Female

Race: Caucasian


Sexuality: Aromantic

Good. Killers kill. Why the frick would they feel love?

Relationship: "What the fućk is a relationship"

Same tbh

Species: Human

Family: Never knew them, grew up an orphan


Personality: Hot-headed, High metabolism, Swift on her feet, mostly always sleeping, energetic, determined

If she sleeps a lot how is she energetic?

Job: Runs errands for Slender
Occupation: Proxy, Professional Sleeper

No interaction with canon Creepypasta. Unless in roleplay or ask books and there are other exceptions.

Looks: light red hair (almost practically ginger), hazel eyes, forest green overcoat, black leggings, black combat boots (smudged with mud)

If she's practically ginger then that's ok. As long as it's not blood red omg. And combat boots are overused and hard to run in. The laces get caught on everything and take forever to tie.

Strengths: Very strong with her fists, never uses weapons to fight. (Practices martial arts too)

How though. She's a 14 year old girl who has a high metabolism. She'd be scrawny.

Weaknesses: Clumsy, gets very angry very easily

Being clumsy isn't a weakness.

Fears: Being left alone

Backstory: Rosalina was an orphan and grew up with only one friend. The friend was later adopted and Rosalina was alone once more. She was harassed by many other kids for her hair and being alone. One day the kids ripped her last memory of her forgotten friend and she decided that they have gone too far.

She brutally attacked three kids and killed them by snapping ones neck, beating one to a pulp, and smashing ones head through a bed post multiple times.

Like I said earlier, she wouldn't be that strong. Plus three against a scrawny 14 year old girl, I don't think she'd win.

She was later found out by forgotten friend, called a monster by so called friend, and then proceeded to run through many towns to get away from the police. Was later found and knocked out by Proxies, later became one.

No no no no

Side: Slender


Sane/Insane: Absolutely insane

How... it doesn't work like that.


Ok this oc needs a lot of work.

She's a 14 year old girl with a high metabolism. Scrawny, definitely not fit for killing. Especially since she easily killed three other people without a hitch.

Her personality doesn't fit together very well. She practically doesn't have any weaknesses. Being clumsy isn't a flaw or weakness and having a temper also isn't a weakness, that would be a flaw. She's apparently one of Slender man's proxies, no interaction with any other Creepypasta should be made unless in roleplay or a few other exceptions.

Remember, Creepypasta ocs are supposed to be scary! What scares you? Turn that into a Creepypasta oc. Scrawny teens aren't scary. Tall, muscular, mysterious and devious people are.

30% original

50% changeable

20% missing

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