Flesh Bender [Creepypasta Oc]

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Cp name: flesh bender


wait is that necrophilia

Age when cp took place: 12

Oh no

Current age: 55. (Looks 12 because of necklace thing)

Oh noooo

No child/teen looking creepypasta ocs


Cp took place in June July and August in the 1970s

Personality: pessimistic-when she's in a passive state she's shy scared of having an outburst but she can be happy and overexcited when cats bunnies and other cute things are around she's also tired and quite miserable while in her aggressive state she's out of control most likely upset and sometimes calm if she got her way (it's confusing I know I'll change if it's necessary)


Species: human

Appearance inhumanly underweight



Pale skin from mal nutrition


A creepypasta oc sin

she has long white hair that will sometimes be combed to look nice,

That's fine as long as there's a reason why she has white hair, like unless you're 80 you won't naturally have white hair

her eyes are pure black to see in the dark (I'm not all that bright but if I'm correct the bigger your pupils get the more you can see in the dark)

If they were contacts maybe but, well since she's a human that's just not possible

Unless contacts

Wears very oversized trench coat, purple gloves as to not get fingerprints everywhere purple high tops to run when she needs to a black t shirt and yes.. Skinny jeans from before the creepypasta and of course the necklace

Its fine but skinny jeans aren't exactly for good if she needs to run

This is the necklace with great power that attracts the negative, pessimistic, and sad people. These people will find and wear the necklace most likely wondering who would drop such an expensive item. Once the necklace is on the wearer will have no desire to take it off. The necklace will cause many issues physical and mental. Starting with hallucinations such as raining blood severed limbs the living looking as if they were dead or whole scene changes. escalating to voices telling you to kill people break things and most dominantly, melting your self esteem into a strong hatred for yourself. Next are unintentional actions such as screaming hurting people crying and laughing (ect). The physical effects include but are not limited to massive and inhuman weight loss, eye bags from unintentional lack of sleep allergic reactions to most foods and vital supplements and granting the wearer black magic and the ability to reanimate flesh

Is this how the zombie apocalypse starts???

No? Ok.

I've made the part about the necklace to show you the purpose of my oc who kinda just sounds schizophrenic I guess.
So my oc is about a girl named Elise nick named skittle who was your stereotypical 12 year old emo


who was felling particularly sad on one cloudy Saturday were she had been fighting with her greedy mother so she decided to take a walk to the nearby park. Head down hands in her pockets she walked around the block and down the path into the wooded park. "No people?" She thought drearily this gave her the opportunity to sit on a swing and write in her diary covered in duct tape and small crudely drawn skulls. On her way to the rusty old swing set she picked up an oddly clean red ruby strung onto a beaded cord. Adjusting her hat she examined the necklace then stuffed it into her pocket before someone could reclaim it. Opening her diary she flipped to the next page labeled July 17th 2001. And began writing, "Hi diary today I walked to the park in a bad mood since stupid mother had used my money to buy some useless jewelry and a trip to the mall she's always getting rid of my things... I found a necklace though! It's kinda pretty so I'll go home so. To wash it just in case of any gross stuff. And mother has been horrid lately but I guess that's all that happened today so far it's only 11:00 anyway I'll see you later ~ Skittle




Skittle had obtained the new name the flesh bender by the witnesses of her victims corpses who were somehow mended and bent into mangled shapes animal like figures. She manages to hide in the cracks of New York City.

I like



Well... There were some holes in this oc. And by that I mean, a lot of the info was missing or didn't make sense.

There's a lot of things that need to be changed, especially the age.

However it can be fixed, also the necklace sorta thing might be a bit overused but I don't know.. My first creepypasta oc ever was such a Mary Sue and a necklace had a big role in the Sue's story.

I'd just scrap her but, don't feel bad or anything. She's still way better than my first cp oc.. //cringes/..

But ay everyone's gotta start somewhere.

Plus if anyone needs help making a good oc just find a How to Make a Good Oc book on Wattpad. There are tons.

40% original

30% changeable

30% missing

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