Pink Flower Crowns and Bright Yellow Tutus

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Gif Above: James Potter

Video Above: Everybody Talks - Neon Trees (The story behind this is that my friends and I have this head cannon that both James and Sirius have great singing voices and my Mum loves this song so she put it on in the car and I just pictured James singing it - to Lily or something I don't know - whilst Sirius is rolling his eyes because 'Oh my god James, you're singing it wrong!' and then they end up in some kind of argument about who has the best voice which results in a dramatic duet at 1 AM in the middle of the common room whilst Lily and Remus chuck stuff at them because 'it's 1 Am you dicks! Go to sleep'.)


- Lily -

Most people tell me that the state between sleep and reality is a beautiful place to inhabit but to me it's like personally going to tell the ruler of the underworld that he would look cute in pink flower crowns and a bright yellow tutu.

I love sleep and I'm not a morning person so I would love to sleep for thirty years if the opportunity was handed to me. But, instead of the glorious and golden opportunity, I was given a room mate with the tendency of jumping on me at six in the morning and shouting in my ear that I need to get up now before breakfast is over.

Mads was already changed and ready to go eat; one foot out the door when I finally flung my duvet off of me. Mads waved goodbye before the door slammed shut and I used the solitary of my dorm room to press shuffle on my music and then hop into the shower. I planned to spend quite a bit contemplating on how I can go to the reception and request a grumpy, sleep obsessed roommate like myself but then Madison's words of food finally kicked into my system and my shower only took ten minutes - I may or may not hve dropped the shampoo bottle on my foot and spent a while hopping on the bathroom floor while swearing.

Drying my hair and brushing it through was easy as the dark red locks are thin so the process took at most four minutes. I didn't pay attention in what I threw on (as per usual) but when I passed by the mirror I found I just put on some of black skinny jeans, one of Petunia's black tee shirts and then my light blue denim button up. I stumbled and fell onto my bed whilst stuffing my feet into converse and then - aware that it's Sunday and I have no lessons - I just grabbed my phone, headphones and student card before leaving the room and jogging down the stairs towards the common room.

It's empty as I can presume everybody is either asleep or out so I put my music on through my headphones and started the journey towards the actual school building. It took three glorious songs to reach the doors of the lunch hall where I had to rid myself of the headphones. Finding my friends was easy; not because I've literally only made three girl friends and two male friends, but because they're the loudest group and James winked at me when I looked over to the center table.

I slid into the vacant seat between him and Dory - well I didn't exactly slide into it, more like pull the chair out and fall into it before leaning my head against Dory's shoulder and shutting my eyes. Dory, being the good friend she is, didn't question it and just patted my shoulder gently before carrying on the conversation she's participating in with Marlene.

When I did open my eyes it was because someone kicked me under the table and Sirius started throwing bits of pain au chocolate that he tore from the treat.

"Oh sorry," He fawned apologetic. "are you tired?"

Being Lily Evans means that there are lists of sarcastic, witty and well thought out comments lining up ready for their time to shine but I'm too damn tired so I just stuck my middle finger up in his direction and whined when Dory shrugged her shoulder to get me off. I stuck my tongue out at her and lent my head on the other person's shoulder who's sitting next to me - who just so happens to be James.

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