It's Like Saying The Titanic Was A Minor Boating Accident

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Above: Lily's room

- Lily -

Two weeks later

"What's the actual point?" 

Marlene and I are sat on the floor of my bedroom, our backs against the panels of my bed (it was just a ledge along the wall which I turned into my bed after putting fitting two mattresses onto it) with pillows around us and the TV on pause. The TV's mounted on the wall, the paused screen showing the latest news which, if her reaction of throwing a handful of popcorn at the screen, Marlene is not happy with. 

"Do they really think that shoving us all in some castle is going to make the whole 'house unity' crap work out?" Mar's previously neat bun is now a mess as she snapped her head towards me. "Seriously? What the actual fuck?"

"It's not that big a deal Mar." I replied, standing up and rubbing my thighs in order to get the biscuit crumbs off my skin. It's a particular hot day in London today and we've taken advantage of the rare temperature to dress in flannel shorts and a vest each. The downfall, any crumbs just irritate our skin. 

"Not that big a deal." Mar scoffed. "It's like saying the Titanic was a minor boating accident." 

I raised my eyebrow at her as my phone vibrated from my bed. I picked it up just as Mar continued. "Lily, I know you're still kind of new to the whole thing so I'll feel you in real quick." I rolled my eyes. "Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, in Gryffindor's opinion, are fine. We actually quite like them. Their founders were awesome so they're cool. Now Slytherin on the other hand... Well their the descendants of the devil and we hate them." 

"You're point?" 

"The castle is a confined space in the middle of nowhere-"

"A five minute walk from Hogsmeade and a twenty minute train ride from Gryffindor now."

"-so putting all of us in there together, expecting us to do lessons together, eating together... we might as well just throw us in a bloody maze!"

"I knew telling you to read The Maze Runner was a bad idea."

She sighed and fell down onto the 'guest' mattress. I call it the guest one because I favour the comfier one and all my pictures, posters and doodles (most of them done by James - the bastard even drew a couple directly onto the wall the couple times he's come over) are crammed together onto the slanted roof. 

"Don't you know a Slytherin?" Mar rolled onto her stomach and unlocked her iPad, eyeing me through her eyelashes as I paused and cleared my throat. 

"Used to." I finally answered. "We were friends until the beginning of last year."

"Who was it?"

"Severus Snape." 

I swear to God she actually looked like I told her I just murdered her entire family. "You're kidding. Snape? God James is gonna have an absolute fit!"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"James. He absolutely hates Snape! Their whole family has this gigantic feud going on and add that to the fact that Snape literally broke James' kneecap two years ago... Yeah, they don't like each other very much."

Mar shrugged at the end and sighed. "So what happened, you know, between you and Snape?"

I finished typing out my reply to Peter's text (he now sends me random questions he needs answers to - this one was asking if hot dogs could be considered sandwiches since he thinks they could be and James doesn't think so) before answering. "He called me a slag last year so I punched him in the nose." 

"Did you break anything?"

"Only the thick layer of grease on his hair."

"Atta girl Lily!" Mar punched the air making me laugh. "Did you hear Isla's gonna move to Birmingham?" 

That's what I like about Mar, her short attention span means we can't be speaking about one topic for more than ten minutes and as she continued to ramble on about Isla and her new found home in Birmingham, my phone vibrated again.

From: James
>You bloody traitor 

To: James
<I love this nickname phase 

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