Things You Ought To Know

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I picture the characters in this novel using a wide range of headcannons. The actors that are in the cast list are just there to remind me who plays who; however, I do keep their faces and body the same... just with slight twists. So, to give you a sense of how I picture everyone in the story, here's some of the ways I see them:

• James has the darkest skin in the group. Some people might describe it as a permanant tan or blame it on the amount of holidays he goes on simply because both of his parents are extremely pale. His (now dead) grandfather was actually pretty dark skinned and because genetics can skip generations, James ended up with his grandfather's skin. (Kind of like mixed race if you want to put it that way.)

• James thinks of Sirius as a brother, more than a best friend.

• He can see without his glasses but it hurts. He also overheard some of the girls last year talking about how fit he was with glasses, so they stayed.

• James worries about his parents alot. They may be generally healthy but due to old age they are vulnerable to any illness.

• His complete and utter faith in his friends can sometimes lead to him being injured (more often than not actually). For example; Year ten (15 years old) James and Sirius were running from a teacher, Sirius - fully aware of the brick wall - told James to go left. James didn't question it and ended up with a broken nose.

• He has never been in a serious relationship before. Whilst he's not a virgin (I mean it's James Potter) James hasn't felt like he really wants to be with anyone... you can probably imagine who will change that.

• He wanted to be a soldier when he was younger but changed his mind. He's currently taking his first term of his five year teacher training program.

• Kids love him.

• His selfies are fucking perfection...


• Like James he has dark skin. His hair is long and my god can be rock a man-bun.

• His Instagram might as well be an art gallery (then again he tends to just steal some of James' pictures from his phone and post them so...)

• His family all went to Gryffindor's rival school; Slytherin School of Science and History. Slytherin never interested Sirius and he was delighted when he got into Gryffindor. This; however, resulted in neglect from his parents and occasionally a beating when things don't go their way. Sirius ended up staying with the Potter's for the summer after Year 8 (12/13 years old). A police file was formed and Sirius has been granted full permission to live with the Potters, as long as he keeps his last name.

• Sirius doesn't know he's handsome. He knows girls like him - boys too - but it has never been brought to his attention on just how good looking he is. Being pretty much brother's with James freaking Potter means you constantly have a dark skinned version of everg male model ever by your side. This means that whenever girls stare or giggle in his general direction, he presumes that they're eyeing James and not him. Girls and guys think this makes Sirius even hotter because he's "playing hard to get".

• Sirius is extremely smart, getting close to top grades; no doubt Ravenclaw material but Sirius prefers spending his time out on the sports field instead of studying.

• He's not a virgin either (some girl in Year 11/ age 16) but Sirius is currently confused on his sexual orientation. James is the only one that knows. He's trying to get Remus set up with him.

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