A Breathing Definition of a Punch in the Face

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Picture Above: James Potter & Sirius Black

A/N: Since James' parents are mega rich they live in a mansion just outside of London - picture it however you want. They also have chefs and all that so there will be some mentioning of staff in this chapter and the next.

- James -

It was 12:30 PM by the time I parked the car outside my house. Everyone seems to have gone home, not exactly surprising, so the driveway was completely clear. Seeing as my parents are in New York for Fashion Week I didn't bother with taking my shoes off at the door like they insist and I stripped myself of the damn sweater and dress shirt as soon as the front door shut behind me.

How my mother's agent, Melinda, even managed to get me into that ridiculous outfit to begin with is beyond me. Then again, she managed to get me into the actual restaurant without throwing up so I'm lacking things to be surprised about to be honest.

"You alright mate?"

Sirius is stretched out across one of the three sofas in the living room in his workout clothes (tracksuit bottoms and an old band tee shirt). The TV's on, some crappy music channel playing whilst Sirius has his laptop balanced on his chest and a packet of crisps next to his stomach.

"Yeah, you?" I fell on one of the free sofas and nicked the remote from his thigh.

"I was watching that!" Sirius whined trying to get the remote back but I simply kicked his arm away and switched the channel.

Sirius sighed when he realized I wasn't going to crumble under his death glare and shut his laptop, swinging his legs round to a sitting position. "How'd the date go?" He asked chucking the packet of crisps at me.

"Left early." I shrugged, smiling at the rest of the story that I have yet to tell Sirius about.

What? 'Course I'm gonna tell him!

"Mhm, Melinda's not gonna like that." Sirius replied as I changed the channel again. A re-run of some 80's show came up so I changed the channel again to another re-run. Why doesn't anything good happen on TV after midnight?

"Don't care." I shrugged. "Still got a good snog out of the night so it's a win-win really."

Sirius shot up at my comment and turned to me wide eyed. "You kissed her?"

"Technically she kissed me." I flicked the TV off and threw the crisps back at Sirius. "But it was still good. Didn't know Little Red had it in her to be honest."

Sirius chocked on his drink. "Little Red?! I swear we were just talking about that chick Melinda set you up with."

"Oh no, she definitely was not going to get a second date out of me. If she thinks talking about how she wants a Prada bag for her birthday from me is going to get me falling at her feet than she can bloody well think again."

"So... you and Lily..."

I grinned at the TV. "I'm taking her out tomorrow night." Next thing I know Sirius is diving at me, gripping my neck in a death lock and ruffling my hair.

"Sod off!" I whined pathetically flailing my arms around to swat him away but the bastard won't budge.

"I knew it!" Sirius looks like that Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland as I managed to wiggle out of his grip, rolling onto my feet. "I damn well knew you had a crush on her!"

Alright so telling Sirius probably wasn't the best idea.

"Yeah, yeah, alright." I shrugged, running a hand through my hair. "I'm going for a shower."

"Good, you reek."

"Shut it." I shouted over my shoulder as I ran up the stairs. Sirius laughed from the laughing room and I grinned whilst shutting my bedroom door closed. I made my way to the bathroom joined to my room whilst ridding myself of the rest of my clothes before turning the water on for the shower and making sure I actually had a towel before jumping into the shower.

*Twenty minutes later*

I'm stretched out on my bed, my TV playing some crappy pop music, my sketchbook propped on my knees and my laptop beside me. My art teacher, Professor Sinistra, has given us a project to do over the summer which just involves human form and/or nature. So far I have a rough idea on what to do but it overlaps with photography.

Professor said it was fine, we can even use Instagram if we want to because it only means we get more recognition with our work. This just means that the possibility of what to do are literally endless and I have no idea where to start.

I sighed and picked up my phone, sending a text to the only other person who would possibly be up at this time of night.

To: Red
>You up??

Sure enough my reply came quickly.

From: Red
>Obviously, what else would I be doing? Jeez it's like you don't even know me.
>So, what's up???

I twiddled my thumbs over my keyboard because why did I text her?

To: Red
>I have absolutely no idea what the fuck I'm doing with my art project and it's driving me crazy

From: Red
>Can I help?
>Cause I have an idea which I think you'd be able to do.
>But if you do it then you need to give me credit.
>Otherwise it's plagiarism

To: Red
>Will you tell me the damn idea!!!

The next text I got - which thankfully involved the idea - made me stop, the whole thing formulating in my mind as I replied quickly;

To: Red
>You're gonna have to be in it, so our date tomorrow is gonna be changed ever so slightly.
>And there's no fucking way that you're not going to be in my project gorgeous x

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