And There 'it' is.

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Picture Above: Something I saw online and thought was pretty cool.

- Lily -

"I do."

"See ya Evans"

"Merry Christmas darling."


"We'll see you in six weeks okay?"

"Bye, be good at school."

"Welcome back!"

"Happy Birthday Lily!"

"I hate exams."

"Have a great summer!"

"See ya in six weeks!"

"Stop seeing James."

It all happened extremely quickly. My lessons and studying sessions zoomed past, exam week was a blur and now I'm standing open mouthed at my sister who's just told me to stop seeing my friend seconds after I walked into the living room.

"I'm sorry," I shook my head, dropping my backpack onto the floor and putting my duffel bag onto the couch. "What?!"

Petunia sighed and repeated her previous sentence. "Stop seeing James." She continued as I kept on staring at her. "It's just that, the Potters (she sneered the word like it was venom) are bad news. Vernon's parents told me. Do you know how many elections they've won because of stupid promises we don't even need?"

"You mean the children's hospital, the hospices, social centres, family care centres-"



Tuney jerked back as if I had slapped her. "What?"

"Tuney, the days where I fall at your feet and do whatever you say are over. I'm not that eight year old who worshipped you anymore because, yes, you are my sister, and yes, I do love you but there no is no way in living hell that you can tell me who I can and can't hang out with."

"I'm doing it for yo-"

"For what?" I interrupted. "My own good? Petunia this isn't a soap opera."

"How many times have you called me saying how much of a jerk he is?" Tuney shot back at me. "How many damn times have I had to listen to you go on and on about how much of an ass he is and then less than two hours later you're posting a selfie with him on Instagram huh?"

"We're friends. We're close. Of course we're gonna fight and yes, Jame can be a dick at times but you have no idea how many times I was the one who got him upset and how many times I called you to make it sound like he was at fault because I was pissed at myself for hurting him. And yes I know that it's wrong but once I get off the phone with you I'm more pissed at myself because of it. Most of the time it's me so really you should be giving James this lecture, not me."

Tuney was quiet for a moment, looking at me before recomposing herself. She stiffened her body, raised her chin, looked me dead in the eye and then ground out the words that made me jerk backwards. "It's me or him. I will not have a sister who infiltrates herself with that crowd. I don't care what happens, but if you pick him I want nothing to do with you."

Little Red // A Jily Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now