I'm Not Okay

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Above: James' Instagram picture (Caption; @jamesp Sirius said I needed something artistic for my post, then presumed to get in my shot.)

- James -

The last week of the holidays was packed tight of heading down to Diagon Alley for supplies, sorting everything out and then re-checking everything because my mother's worried she'll have to send things over and the effort of that is just too much apparently. My father was more relaxed about it all but didn't stop my mum from running mad around the house trying to throw a load of clothes into the washing machine last minute. 

Both of my parents went to Hogwarts when it was still based in the castle in Scotland. My dad was in Gryffindor like me, whilst my mum was in Slytherin. According to them Hogwarts was great, but what I'm most happy about is the fact that we stay there with no parental supervision and hardly any teachers are going to be mingling around the place. Now for someone who is consistently either fucking something up or pranking someone, this is great news for me. 

Kings Cross Station was packed to the brim of teenagers. It's around 8 AM so the commute for work hasn't started yet apart from a few men and women by the gates obviously waiting for us to leave and then occupy the station themselves. Sirius is stood to my right having just taken a picture of the station and is now typing away on the screen for a caption. He's already insisted I take one whilst on the train so that later on (when people forget it's mine) he can steal it and put it on his Instagram - which he does frequently. 

"Be good." I tuned in to hear the rest of my mum's goodbye speech that she's already said a dozen and one times. "I mean it James, you too Sirius."

"Yes mum." 

"I'm not kidding. If I get a call saying that one of you have done anything that gets you into major trouble I'm pulling you out of school for good and-"

"Great!" Sirius interrupted, snapping his head up from his phone and grinning widely.

"- sending you to a reform school." Mum finished smugly. 

Sirius shook his head. "That's not great."


"Did ya post it?" Sirius lent over my lap to try and see my phone. I locked it quickly, dropping it onto the seat beside me. 

"Yes," I flicked his forehead and then shoved him off of me, "But you're not gonna be able to steal this one 'cause your ugly mug got in the shot."

Overdramtically, Sirius gasped and laid a hand over his chest. "I am not ugly! Remus tell 'em."

"I'm not getting involved!" Remus calmly turned a page in his book and carried on reading. "Besides," He added with a grin without looking at us, "I would be lying if I take your side."

"You little sh-" Sirius got interrupted by the door of our compartment opening up and Dorcas sliding into the frame. 

She smiled at us, the smile faltering slightly at the sight of Sirius tackling Remus into the bench and hitting him with his book. Dory just shook her head and turned to me. "Professor wants you, Lily's already over there."

I followed her out the compartment and down the hallway. "Just through there." She pointed before waving goodbye and sliding into her own compartment with Madison and Marlene. I slipped through the door she told me to, coming up behind Lily and pulling her into my chest making her jump. 

"Jesus Christ!" She exclaimed, turning round to hit my chest as I laughed. 

"No," I caught her hands in both of mine and tugged her back to me, "I'm James - you know, your boyfriend -  but I've heard the resemblance is uncanny." 

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