I Couldn't Make It Maths Today Because I Had No Interest In Being There

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Picture Above: James [left; denim jacket] and Remus [right; normal black jacket] having a race down the school drive.


- Lily -

"So how come you're here?" Peter asked as I watched James and Remus sprint down the icy drive. Sirius and Peter are  on either side of me, Peter at a respected distance and Sirius having flung his arm over my shoulders and stolen my bag of sweets.

Sirius chuckled and throw a sweet wrapper on the floor as we walked. "You're quite up front aren't you Wormtail?"

School started 13 days ago and in that time I've become quite close with the four boys; close enough to notice the small things they do (for example; every time James clenches his jaw, Peter stretches his arms out and every times Sirius runs a hand through his, Remus taps his finger twice on something near him).

"What I mean is," Peter corrected. "Aren't you supposed to be in Maths Lily?"

"Yeah well," I shrugged. "I couldn't make it maths today because I have no interest in being there."

"Can't argue with that." Sirius mumbled. 

Whilst the other three girls are having some chick-flick movie marathon, I've managed to sneak away and (after the boys finding me trying to get back to bed) I tagged along with James, Remus, Sirius and Peter who are going to the small town thats about five minutes away for last minute essentials they've decided they need to take on their trips.

My doubts about James and I going to my Aunt's wedding together have slowly gotten smaller and smaller as I realized; it's not like we're dating. So the whole trip has suddenly gotten a lot easier to get ready for - but I'm still not packed but who needs sleep anyway? I'll do the whole troublesome packing tonight.

I looked over and up at Sirius who's stuck his tongue out and trying to see if it's changed colour yet from the sour sweet he's just devoured. "How come your nicknames are weird?"

Sirius put his tongue back in his mouth and stared at me questioningly. "How are they weird?"

"Wormtail, Padfoot, Moony and Prongs." I arched my eyebrow. "Correct me if I'm wrong but they aren't exactly typical nicknames for four boys called Peter, Remus, Sirius and James."

"Aw, you little ignorant, niave, clueless child." Sirius sighed with a dramatic shake of his head. "They have meaning behind them. Let me tell you the story of-"

"I swear to god if you say it in third person again I'll scream." Peter interrupted. "I'm not even kidding."

I laughed at Sirius' overly dramatic - and probably consistently rehearsed - betrayed expression as we finally reached James and Remus who are both breathing heavily and arguing about who won their race.

"I'm not losing to a bloody asthmatic!" 

"James I don't have asthma."

"Well you might as well do!"


- James -

"You like her." Sirius sang with a giant grin slapped on his face. I snapped my eyes away from Lily who's got both arms linked with Remus and Peter, both of them on either side so they're standing in height order. 

I scoffed, forcing a stutter down. "No I don't."

Sirius rolled his eyes and slung an arm round my shoulders; ruffling my hair in the process. "Dude, I know the whole 'James-Potter-doesn't-date-girls-under-any-circmstances' bullshit is just you training yourself to not fall for any one but come on; look at her."

I shrugged his shoulder off of me and ran a hand through my hair. "Piss off."

"Just trying to help." Sirius held up his hands in surrender. "But answer me this-"

I groaned and threw my head back earning a punch in the arm. "Answer me this," Sirius repeated. "If you don't like Lily; how come you agreed to go with her to Menorca?"

"I need a holiday." Was my very quick reply.

"Keep telling yourself that."

* 6 and a half days later *

At around three in the morning Peter, Remus and Sirius woke me up by yelling in my ear and attacking me with fucking dictionaries. They left at six for their Social Studies trip to Glasgow, giving me the comfort of a quiet (for once) dorm room and no Sirius complaining about something or other.

But that peace only lasted till one PM. 

"JAMES WAKE UP!" Lily shouted slamming a pillow down my head - at least she didn't arm herself with anything dangerous like my 'friends'. 

"I'm up." I mumbled into my pillow, eyes still closed but mind on full alert as I realized from the dips in the mattress that Lily's stood over me, her feet either side of my hips. 

"Don't lie to me." 

"I'm not."

"You are." Lily stated matter of factly. "You're not up, you're down. You could have said 'I'm awake' and I wouldn't have a logical argument but you didn't so get the fuck up WE HAVE A PLANE TO CATCH!"

She hit me with the pillow a couple more times before I sat up quickly and tackled her down next to me, throwing the pillow back onto Sirius' unmade bed. Laughing, Lily pushed herself up to a standing position. 

When I looked over at Sirius' alarm clock - the alarm is still broken from when he threw it at the wall when it wouldn't shut up a couple days ago - I asked. "How long have I got?"

"About twenty minutes." Lily replied, stretching her hands over her head making her shirt ride up her stomach a bit. I adverted my eyes away from the exposed skin before she could see me staring and threw the covers off of me, standing up and stretching my arms out.

"The train leaves in half an hour though." Lily added whilst falling down on my bed again and crossing her ankles. She's dressed in black leggings and a light grey tee shirt; the sleeves rolled over a couple times with white high tops and her hair thrown in a ponytail. Her iPhone's peeking out at the waist band of her leggings, the ear phone cable under her shirt with the ear buds laying against her chest over the tee shirt. Her suitcase are by the door next to my own, a dark red back pack on the edge of my bed beside my jacket. 

I muttered a thanks before randomly choosing some clothes from my wardrobe and closing the bathroom door behind me. I dressed quickly into the black jeans, white long sleeved tee shirt and blue denim shirt before running my fingers through my hair and washing my face and teeth. 

By the time I left the bathroom again Lily's sat up on my bed still, shoving things back into her back pack. "You alright there?" I asked throwing the tracksuit bottoms I wore to bed in the laundry basket. 

"Yeah." Lily nodded. "Thought I had left the invitation in my room." She checked her watch whilst I picked up my passport, the boarding pass that Lily printed off for me and put them in my back pack. "Five minutes to spare, nicely done Potter."

"I do try Evans." I grinned as she rolled her eyes and slipped on a dark green cardigan. 

I shrugged on my jacket, picked up my student card and quickly shoved my laptop (plus the cable and anything else I might possibly want) into my back pack before standing up straight and turning to the red head. 


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