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My inbox has been pretty full of questions lately and I have no idea how to go around the next chapter so I decided to answer the questions here so I'm not repeating myself dozens of times.

This is not something you have to read. The majority of the answers are pretty much just saying how I came up with the story, the plot etc. so you can just wait until the next update instead of reading this.

1~ How did you come up with the story line?

I signed up to Tumblr like a year and a half ago and most of the tags I have saved (and the blogs I followed) were to do with Jily so I saw a lot of head-cannons and AUs. There were two that I loved the most: one was a modern AU and the other was a sixth form (6th and 7th year) AU. I decided to join them together and use Gryffindor as just a stand alone school. 

2~ Why did you decide to join all the schools together to form Hogwarts a couple chapters in, and not at the beginning?

I wasn't planning to at the beginning because I liked the sound of Gryffindor just on its own that way I didn't need to worry about explaining other house members unless they come into conversations. However; I couldn't think of anything exciting that could happen and if I introduced Hogwarts then it would also introduce the whole Snape thing as well which will hopefully be a lot more exciting. 

3~ How long did you spend planning the book?

Like I said in question 1, I joined Tumblr about a year and a half ago. Once I signed up I did start to think about writing a Jily story but I couldn't actually gain enough courage to do it until I published the first chapter of this book back on the 14th November 2015 (god that was ages ago). The planning process took about a month and a week altogether; including drafting the first chapters and designing the front cover. 

4~ Your update schedule seems pretty random at the moment. Will you be adding in a set date for updates at some point in time?

Yes, my updates are pretty random and I do apologise. There are a few reasons to this however: one is being that I tend to get some serious writers block at the worst possible times. Another reason is school work is beginning to pile up and I need to make sure I stay on top of that before anything else. The last reason is that another Wattpad user (and my half-sister) Emory_Jackson has an 'Archive Of Our Own' account where I'm helping her with her story so if you like Marvel (and more importantly Stucky) then go check it out, her story's just called Steve & Bucky and her user is emryjacksn6. I will try to make a schedule for my updates but at the moment I'll have to think about it.

5~ Many Wattpad authors get people to read the drafts before publishing them; do you ask anyone to read your chapters first?

Usually no which explains the amount of typos in my writing (which I will get round to editing out) but when I do I get my sister, Emory, to read it through. She also has this story in her library - which just warms my heart Em - and she'll read it whenever I update anyway as well as give me tips and comments about it. 

6~ Are we going to read about Diagon Alley at some point?

Now that I'm introducing Hogwarts, yes you will. My next chapter will have something to do with Diagon Alley and I'm so excited to write about it.

7~ Have you got any book recommendations - either from Wattpad or any other book sites?

Wattpad: The Bad Boy Stole My Bra, Bad Boy's Game, The Bad Boy's Girl/The Bad Boy's Heart/The Chronicles Of A Bad Boy: Meeting Cole Stone, The Hoax (Dramione), Beauty (Chris Evans: by Emory), The Bad Boy In Pajamas, Photograph and The Run.

Movellas: Anything by KeepCalmAndEatNando's and Mystery (I'm never really on Movellas).

Archive Of Our Own: (ALL STUCKY IN MY LISTS) Steve & Bucky, The Life of Bucky Barnes and Targeting

8~ Do you mind sharing any (slightly) personal information with us?

Yeah, why not: My name is Kailani Octavia Hanchock. I was born in Greece and moved to England when I was ten years old (so yes I can write Greek still) where my mum remarried (I never met my birth dad). My half-sister, Emory Jackson, was born a couple days before me. We're extremely close. I'm a tom-boy but still enjoying things people might call 'girly'. I'm literal Marvel trash; especially for Bucky Barnes and Sebastian Stan (have you seen his thighs, holy Christ). When I was a baby I was in a car accident and had to go into a six hour operation where they replaced my kidney, because of this I have a massive scar. 

(None of that is really personal except the thing about the operation and my birth dad but that's the best I can do) 

9~ If we want to, can we make new covers or send you some ideas for your story?

Of course! The more help I get the better! My only advice is don't send me tips over my inbox because like I said, my inbox is full with questions at the moment. If you have any tips or covers you made please send them to my email:


(From a new Wattpad user that wishes to remain unnamed) 10~ Do you have any tips for new Wattpad users like myself?

First off: don't copy people's story lines. If you like the idea, great, but if you decide to write a story like it then change the plot slightly to make it your own. Also, don't copy any character names or backgrounds. People put a lot of effort into their stories, so don't copy them.

Second: I always put my stories under 'All Rights Reserved' because it means that other people can give me ideas and all of that without going against the Copyright terms. Only do this, however, if you are willing to let people give you tips and new covers for your stories.

Third: engage with your readers. If someone comments on my story I tend to try and reply to them, even if it is just a short 'thank you' message. If a follower messages you, message back. Don't ignore the people who take time to read your stories. Changes are, if they think you're a jerk then they'll stop reading your story, no matter how good the content is.

Fourth: prove read all of your work. It took me a while but I noticed that if I just press 'publish' without prove reading it then you will end up with loads of typos (still guilty)

Fifth: don't try and write more than one story at once. Like I said before, I'm co-authoring a story on a different website and it's already over-whelming. Stick with one story. I've got a drafted 'book' on my account which is pretty much just ideas upon ideas of different stories for when I finish this one. I suggest doing this if you come up with an idea so you don't forget it.

Sixth: acknowledge other people's stories. I try and comment on pieces of stories that I enjoy because I know what it's like to get hate and praise on my stories. The negative comments stay with you for a lot longer than the positive ones. Be positive about everyone, keep hate to yourself.

Seventh: be confident in your own work. Write it like it will forever remain a draft but press publish anyway. If you write with a 'no one will read this' mindset then the changes are you'll write it ten times better because you're writing for your own expectations, not anyone else's. This tip was given to me by my Aunt and it's helped me multiple times; as well as my sister. 

That's it for now. If you have a question, either inbox me or email me (email is above or in my bio) and I'll be willing to answer. Because I have a lot of other questions, I might do another chapter like this. I filtered this questions so they have to do with this story in particular so if you had a question that wasn't on here then I will get round to answering it at some point.

If you read all of this, thank you. If not, I don't blame you.

Hoping to get the next update published soon... hoping is the key word there.

Also, go read those recommendations. I know that on Archive Of Our Own you can read as a guest but I'm pretty sure you need an account on Movellas or not. If you read on Archive Of Our Own you can leave 'kudos' on stories, even as a guest, so please go check out those three stories because they are amazing. 

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