Yeah, We Don't Tell My Family About That

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Picture Above: The hotel that the wedding guests are staying at (no name at the moment)


- James -

I've known Lily now for about three weeks; or close to it anyway; and I've come to realize quite a few things about her - one being that she just generally doesn't give a shit. Trust me, she's studios and (bloody hell) she gives me a run for my money in grades but she's nothing like anyone else I've ever met. 

There's a group of girls at school, the dance team, that are convinced that they're so much better than anyone else simply because they come from a long line of wealthy business men and women. They despise the people who get into school with a scholarship; or people who aren't rich so they made up a term for people who get into Gryffindor with a scholarship...


The name typically says it all... if you're bloody isn't wealthy, then you're as close to mud as they can imagine. I've always hated the term, I've always hated the dance team but since the teachers have no recognition of this, the name's managed to get around the school and even 11 year olds are using it. 

Lily was called a mudblood in the first couple days of term by the dance captain herself; Brittney. It was actually quite funny because Lily just glared at her until Brittney left her alone... I've never seen that girl look more petrified in my entire life. 

The reason as to why I'm saying this is because Lily had absolutely no problem in dancing around the airport to songs she was playing through her headphones - I'm pretty sure she knocked over a five year old in the process of doing a sprinkler. I was videoing the whole time and got given a punch on the arm when I posted it on Instagram but boy was it worth it.

The plane ride was pretty relaxing; at least it was for Lily. Seeing as the train journey from school to the airport was three hours we didn't get to the airport until 3:45 and the plane took off at 4:25. So at around six thirty Lily fell asleep with her head on my shoulder and her legs tucked between both of mine.

It took me a while to fall asleep too, even though it was dark, because I was rethinking the conversation I had with Sirius a couple days ago about liking Lily. I mean, sure I feel as if we're pretty close but...

Ugh, I don't know. It's weird. It's like... I don't want to spend time with her because I fear I'll screw up but I also want to spend as much time as possible with her because she's just so relaxed about pretty much everything that it relaxes me too. 

Do you understand my confusion?

Eventually though I did fall asleep and lasted a good eight hours before I woke up again. In that time though both Lily and I had moved as far as the seats would allow us so once I was fully awake and not rubbing the sleep from my eyes I was completely aware of the new position. It was comfortable, don't doubt me on this, but as I lay with my back against the plane wall, legs stretched out across the three seats (the third seat was empty when the plane took off), Lily between my legs and her back to my chest, I was freaking out inside yet trying to stay calm on the outside.

Lily didn't wake up until the plane was halfway down to the ground and she stayed half asleep until we reached the hotel. Apparently only a few of Lily's family members had arrived, including some of the groom's family members too but Lily's parents and sister (along with her boy friend) are due to land tomorrow afternoon. 

So that's how we got here, in the hotel room, sprawled on the two beds. Lily's changed again into some too big tracksuit bottoms - which she's repeatedly rolled up at the waist and ankles - and a black vest top which shows a strip of skin at the bottom. I, too, have just thrown on some tracksuit bottoms and then I put on a plain white tee shirt; leaving my glasses on the desk thing that lines one whole room. 

The hotel itself looks like a kind of Spanish villa. We're on the fifth floor, a balcony to the right of our room giving a great view of the beach and to the left is a wall which pretty much just counts as one large window showing the pool area. 

"So, Potter." Lily sat up and turned to face me on her bed. 

"Evans." I mumbled into the pillow I'm resting on.

I received a pillow to the forehead when I zoned out again. "Wanna go exploring?"


"So when's the actual wedding?" I asked stuffing both hands into my jean pockets as Lily linked her arm with mine. We had gone out exploring, quite far actually now because it's dark and since neither of us actually took notice in where we were going, we're just walking aimlessly back into the direction we hope the hotel is. 

"Well tomorrow evening is the rehearsal dinner," Lily said kicking a stone out of her way. "then at one in the afternoon the next day everyone's expected to be dressed and ready for the wedding but the actual wedding doesn't start until around two. But you know, they want us to mingle or something before the big saying of the vows and all that. But seeing as it's the last week of school now before the Christmas holidays it doesn't matter what day we go back on. The plane ticket counts for any day before the 23rd." I nodded.

It was silent for a moment until Lily looked over at me - I would say up but she's eye level with the top of my lips so she only tilts her head up slightly when she wants to talk to me.

"Thanks for coming with me by the way." Lily smiled. "I really appreciate it."

Removing my arm from around hers, I wrapped it round her waist and kissed her temple as we carried on walking. "No problem Little Red."

"Oh and yeah," Lily added suddenly. "my family, mostly my dad and uncles, are big on politics so they might want to talk to you about your Dad and I know for a fact that pretty much all the females in my family will want to talk to you about your Mum so this is just a quick heads up."

My Dad, Fleamount Potter, is a politician towards the higher end of the spectrum for politicians. My Mum, Euphemia Potter, doesn't have an actual set job; she hosts a lot of award shows, does a lot of charity work and spends most of her time giving speeches at this big events for teen development of something like that. The media loves them, I know that for a fact. 

I chuckled as Lily looked at me whilst biting her lip. "Here I was thinking I'm getting a free holiday."

Lily gasped and hit my chest. "Here I was thinking you came because you wanted to spend time with me."

"Come on Red," I laughed pulling her back towards me. "we both know I just needed to get out of French this week and you've used me as your ticket out of psychology dozens of times!"

"Yeah we don't mention that to my family." Lily shook her head. "Found the hotel!"

Thirty minutes later we're both stretched out on my bed, under the covers surrounded by a bunch of food with Lily's MacBook open in front of us with some random movie playing. I'm not paying attention to it though for the pure reason that Lily's laid her head on my chest; her breathing rate calm as she sleeps and her hand has been moving every so often that now the bottom of my shirt has ridden up and her fingers are splayed across my abdomen. 

I yawned, rubbing Lily's upper arm as I, too, eventually fell asleep. 

(A/N: So this was a relatively short chapter but I'm pretty sure it explains quite a bit about James' parents, Lily's character and James' feelings towards Lily at the moment - even if he is in denial about the whole thing.)

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