Chapter 4

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After all night long thinking about him, I fell asleep until the next morning. I was so shocked when I was awoken by my (lovely) alarm and realized that it was time for me to get ready for school.

Mum made me a sandwich for breakfast but I only ate half. I didn't know why but I just wanted to go to school earlier. May be because what had happened last night. Wait, what? What did I just think? Ah forget it!

" Btw, (y/n), why didn't you coming home 2 days ago? You didn't even tell me," mum said.
"Well, I stayed at my friend's house for a night. Um, doing a... um... pyj's party! Yeah," I lied but my mom seemed to believe all my words.

I arrived at school 35 minutes earlier than the previous days. When I got into my class, there were 2 strange things. First, I noticed that the class was quite different because every tables were paired together, so we wouldn't sit alone anymore. And the second one was the weirdest part. At first, I thought that I was still dreaming and wasn't awake yet, but then it seemed so real. There was Karry! I was like, what is he doing here?

"Hey, (y/n). You must be a bit surprised but I have a good news! I moved to this class because my teacher told me so. She said that your class needed some students,"
"Wow, that's good. Yeah, this class has fewer students than other classes. So yeah, I'm really glad you moved here," I said with a really bright smile, and then he laughed shyly.

When the class began, I realized that he sat right beside me. Meanwhile Jackson and Roy sat together. Karry said that we could choose who we wanted to sit whit because our seat has been paired together.

He helped me a lot when I didn't understand or couldn't answer a question along the class. He liked to look at me too when I was writing something, and I really knew when he looked at me. But it didn't really matter to me, although I knew that my face was blushing hahaha. Omg, I swear it was so freaking awkward. It happened like FOREVER.


At break, the four of them (y/n, Karry, Jackson and Roy) gathered at one table (again). While they were eating, Jackson started a conversation.

"Oh btw, (y/n), we have a news for you. Did Karry tell you?" Jackson asked to Karry and Karry had no idea what Jackson was talking about, so Jackson continued, " we, TFBOYS, are asked to do a job in Beijing tomorrow."

(y/n) stopped eating for a while and looked so gloomy all of the sudden after she heard that news. Then she looked at Karry, Jackson and Roy.

"Don't be sad, it won't take a long time. We're stay there for only 2 days," Karry said as he trying to calm (y/n).


The day after, it was really boring at school when they were not here. It seemed like forever. Imagine how my days would go with no friends in 2 days. Well, I can say that they're the only friends in school. Besides, I lost my appetite too. So did the next day, I was really really down.


The next day, I suddenly felt so dizzy and couldn't get up from my bed. When I checked my temperature, it was 37.9°, which was really high. Plus, mum didn't let me go to school. It was so disappointing because I really missed the three of my friends so badly. I wondered what were they doing right then without me.


Karry, Jackson and Roy arrived at school. When they entered their class and were expecting to see (y/n) again after 2 days , but they didn't see her.

"Why didn't she come today?" Jackson asked. "I don't know, may be she's sad because we left her for 2 days. Oh, we shouldn't have told her that day," Roy said. "Well, I have an idea! Why don't we just go to her house after school? I know where her house is," Karry said excitedly.

Then, they all agreed by nodding their head.


When they went to (y/n)'s house, her mother opened the door.

"Um, good afternoon. Is this (y/n)'s house?" Karry asked.
"Yes, it is. I'm her mother. What brings you here?" her mother asked.
"So, we're here to know about (y/n)'s condition, because she was absent today," Roy explained.
"Oh. Yeah, she's sick. She's not feeling well and her temperature's quite high. She lost her appetite these days, it's so terrible," her mom explained.
"Oh i see. Can we get in for a while?" Jackson asked.

After that they got into (y/n)'s house. When they entered her room, they saw (y/n) was sleeping. Then they took a closer look to her and she woke up. When she opened her eyes slowly, she smiled at them. Karry replied with a big smile.

"Sorry I didn't come today because I had a fever," (y/n) said.
"No problem, I've heard it from your mom," Karry said.

Then they took after (y/n) all day long, but then they remembered that it was school days.

"Why don't we stay here to take care of her for a night?" Karry asked to Jackson, then Jackson nodded.

Not only that, Karry asked Roy to get some clothes for them, and Roy did.

At night, Karry slept in (y/n)'s room, meanwhile Roy and Jackson in the living room.


It was already 10 pm and Karry already fell asleep on the floor, wearing a blanket. I was so glad that I finally met them for such a  long time (well, only 2 days). But still! They even spent their time to take care of me. They're really my best buddies, for real! Anyways, Karry looked really cold. But I really didn't know what I should do at that time.

to be continued...

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