Chapter 7

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Karry woke up and opened his eyes. The sun already came up.

"Ah, what time is it?" he asked himself by looking his hand phone's clock.

He looked at the time and the day. It was Saturday, 07:05 am. He sighed because he thought that it was school day.

Then his eyes stopped at (y/n)'s face. He was thinking if he would wake her up or not. Because he realized that her face was really tired (even if she was sleeping), he decided to left his room and went to bath.

After that, he cooked noodles for their breakfast. He made it spicy for Jack and Roy. But for (y/n), he didn't, because he knew that her first girlfriend didn't like eating spicy. Well, just to make sure if she was the right person. Then, he woke the three of them up.

Because they were really sleepy to get up, they decided to took a shower first before having breakfast.

When they were ready, they came to the dining room.

"Wow, what a good smell!" Jackson said to Karry.

"I wonder who had made this," (y/n) teased and smiled to Karry.

Of course, Karry blushed! Then (y/n) replied with a very big smile. After that, they had their breakfast.

"Hmmm it tastes really good, Karry. When did you started learning to make this?" Roy said.
"Well, I googled the recipe," Karry replied.
"Thanks, Karry. But how do you..." (y/n) said.
"How do I know you don't like spicy? Well, I saw every kind of your food has no spicy at all," Karry lied.

Then she smiled and nodded.

"Hey, guys. Shall we go to a mall today? I'm really bored if we just stay home. Besides, I wanted to buy some snacks there," Jackson asked.
"Good idea!" (y/n) said to Jack with excitement.
"Yeah, but finish our breakfast first, okay?" Karry said to them.

After that, they got ready to go the mall. They also called their manager to come join them. The good news was he said 'okay'.


After we all were ready, we finally went to the mall that TFBOYS likes to visit. The mall was so nice and EXTREMELY big. Well, may be because it was my first time being there.

First thing first, we went to a shop which sold stuffs that we all, teens, needed. We saw many kind of snapbacks there and decided to buy the same snapbacks (although at first it was too hard to choose) And we DID buy it, yeay!

"Guys, me and Roy will buy some snacks. Wanna go with us?" Jackson asked.
"Um, I wanna look for some clothes," I said.
"You, Karry?" Roy asked.
"Just buy marshmallow for me, thanks," Karry said.
"Okay. Don't turn off your phone kay?" Roy said to us.

Karry and I nodded. Then, we both went to one of the clothing store. I couldn't believe that Karry would patiently waiting! Because, you know, it took a long time for me to choose hahaha.

Anyway, I didn't interested with all of the clothes in that shop, until I saw a black shirt that had numbers on it. The number were '1-4-3'. It had white lines on the cuffs and the collar. It was just looked good!

"Karry, see this! Do I look good if I'm wearing this?" I asked him.
"Wow, I like this!" he said with a very big big smile.
"Well, it looks like you like this shirt so much. How about buying it? You know, we're gonna be twinning!" I said excitedly.
"Yeah, it would be awesome."

After we got our own size, we bought it and couldn't wait to tell Jackie and Roy.

Then, the fourth of us decided to meet each other at a restaurant, where their manager was waiting for us there, so we could have lunch (even though it was already 3 pm).

When we got there, I showed the twinning shirts to Jack and Roy. But a strange news was they looked so shocked but then they laughed to each other.

"Wha... what's so funny?" I asked them.
"Hahaha. Because of the numbers," Roy said.
"What's wrong with it?" Karry asked.
"What?! Don't you guys know?" Jackson asked with a very surprised face.
"Um, nope," I said.
"Well, forget it," Jackson said and smiled at Roy.

Karry and I were like looking at each other and asked each other why. May be they were the only one who knew what it meaned.

After we all were full, we went back to Karry's house (a.k.a. TF's dorm). When we arrived, there was a boy named Hang Hang, he said he was one of TFBOYS' trainee. He came there to play with us because he was bored and had a free time.

Anyway, we took a shower and then we all decided to play card as we were waiting for the dinner. Yeay! But I have to admit that Hang Hang was really good at it.

When their manager finished cooking for us, we all had dinner. He made beef yakiniku and a miso soup. It was literally YUMMY! He's such a good manager.

After eating, we all had a different activities to do. Jackson was remix-ing songs, well he should've been a DJ hahaha. Roy was playing with Hang Hang in his room. So it meaned Karry and I were doing nothing.

I got into Karry's room and I was wrong. He wasn't doing nothing, he was listening to music with his earphones.

"Hey, I thought you're not here," I started a conversation.
"Yeah, I like silence. Hehe," he said with a little smile.
"What song?" I asked as I came to him.
"Chong Ai, one of our hit songs."
"Wow, haven't hear that one before. Can I listen to it?"

Then he gave me one side of the earphones. I listened to it and I super liked that song! We listened to it until the end. I have to admit, Karry's voice was really unique. I really adore him.

"Wanna hear our new song?" he asked.
"It would be great!"

As we listened to it, we were busy taking tons of selfies too! Hahaha, his face was really funny when he did a duck face! I swear! I couldn't stop laughing right then.

A hour later, we both went to the living room and didn't see Hanghang there. And then Roy said that Hanghang had already went home.

We decided to watch an action movie this time. It was Karry's turn to pick a movie at that time.

We watched it until midnight (again!) and the movie wasn't over yet. I was very tired and sleepy, so I slept there while the others were still watching.


Karry, Jackson and Roy were still busy watching that movie. Karry really enjoyed it because he likes action movie a lot.

Suddenly, Karry felt like (y/n)'s head was falling on his shoulder. He turned to her and saw that (y/n) had already slept. Then, he decided to carried her to his room although he missed some of the scenes in the movie. He put her on his bed, and then went back to the living room.

"Hey, Karry. The film's over," Roy said.
"Yeah, I can watch it again next time," Karry said as he sat between them.

Then he talked to them about (y/n). He really really believed that she was his first girlfriend in Korea. Jackson also thought so.

"Well, why don't you ask her? Ask her what she knows about XiaoKai," Roy asked.
"Um, I think it's not the right time. I'm sure she won't answer it," Karry denied, "well, good night guys. I wanted to go to sleep first, I'm tired."

Then he went back to his room and got into his sleeping bag on the floor. He was thinking about the question he wanted to ask to (y/n). He just wasn't ready and still arranged the right words.

In the living room, Jackson and Roy was really confused with Karry's behaviour. But instead of thinking about him, they just went to their room to sleep.

to be continued...

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