Chapter 9

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I woke up from my deep sleep and didn't even see Karry there. I didn't realized Karry waking up earlier until I saw his phone wasn't on the desk. Well, he always brings his phone anywhere he goes.

By the way, it was December 28. So it means it was monday and I didn't have to go to school, yeay! It was like a dream because I had never been absent before!

Anyways, when I got out from my and Karry's room, Jackson smiled so big at me. So did Roy.

"Hey, where's Karry?" I asked.
"He's buying our breakfast at McDonald near here," they all answered.
"Oh, okay then. I'll take a shower first," I said.

10 minutes later, when I finished, I opened the door and saw Karry preparing our breakfast on the table.

"Good morning!" he said to me.
"Hi!" I said as I walked to him, "What did you order for me?"
"Don't be so anxious, I didn't order spicy food," he said as he looking at me so deeply (with an evil smile, too!)

But I just tapped him with my elbow and I could see that he was actually smiling! Well, it was pretty obvious that he was trying so hard not to smile. Ah, I couldn't help it but laughed.

After we all had our breakfast, I came join them to practice again. They were practicing singing and dancing that day. So they made me to sing and dance, again. I know, I know, I'm not good at it.

--skip night--


Tuesday, December 29.

At the morning when I just woke up, I checked my phone right then to see what time it was. But my eyes just looked at the notification. Because my mom... texted me an hour before! Fyi, she hardly ever texts me.

"(y/n), how are you, sweetie? Um well, I just want you to know that your school is on a winter break just today. Thank God, you missed your class only yesterday. Take care, son. Love, mom."

So that's what she texted me. Fortunately, I only missed one class, not two. If not, I would've got so much homework and tasks to do!

Anyway, when I told them that our school was already in a break, they jumped with excitement.

"By the way, (y/n), we're going to have a show today. Would you mind coming?" Karry asked.

I nodded. After getting ready, we all went to the location of the show immediately. The studio was extremely big, I swear.

First, they had a rehearsal first. I just sat on the audience's seat while taking pictures of them. I was smiling right then because I really couldn't believe that my best friends are the best friend ever. They are the best!

After that, we got into the backstage to change their costumes. When they were all ready, Karry smiled at me as if he saying 'wish me luck'. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

Then, they had an interview before the show began. When the show began, I could see them performing their songs from the backstage. Ps: the backstage has a TV! How cool is that?

Anyways, after waiting almost 2 hours, the show was finally over. After that, we arrived at their dormitory. When I looked at the clock, it was already 6 pm.

Then we all took a shower (as usual), while Karry's manager was cooking dinner (as usual too!).

By the way, I realized that each of them had a manager. And Karry's manager is the person that I always thought was TFBOYS' manager. Jackson told me that his and Roy's manager was staying in Beijing, so I hadn't met with them.

Well, Jackson's manager was doing nothing right then, meanwhile Roy's manager was watching TV.

After the dinner was ready, the seventh of us had dinner.

"Yeah, we always celebrate new year in Beijing every year. You should see it, (y/n)," Karry said.
"Sounds cool," I said to him.
"Oh, by the way, don't forget to prepare for your rehearsal after this," Karry's manager told TFBOYS.
"Hm? Rehearsal? What for?" I asked.
"We were going to have a show at the Hunan TV. So we have to rehearse first after this. Come with us," Roy told me.
"Oh, I forgot something. You should bring an ID card at there if I'm not mistaken," Jackson said as he stopped eating.
"Oh, really? Um, I guess I can't go with you all, cause I don't have one. Well, it's okay, I'll be fine here alone," I said with a really really disappointed voice.
"No, no, don't worry. My manager would explain it to the security. Besides, we're all best friends right? It'll be totally fine," Karry explained.
"Thanks, Karry," I smiled to him.
"That's what friends are for," he smiled back.
"Hehee," the fourth of us smiled at each other for like a minute.

After that, Jackson's manager drove us to the studio. It was already 9 pm at that time. I wonder if I were them, I would be super duper tired and decided to get a new job. Nah, just kidding hehe.

When we arrived, Karry's manager explained to the security while TFBOYS and I got into the studio. The studio was 2 times bigger than the other one.

When it was already 11 pm, we all went home (to dorm, I mean). We all went to sleep immediately because tomorrow they'd have a rehearsal again.   

to be continued...

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