Chapter 8

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"Ah, it's already Sunday," I said inside my head as I took my body from my bed (Karry's bed, though).

It felt like really lazy to get up during weekend. Well, no alarms!

Anyway, I got up at 8 am and saw Karry was still snoring hahaha. He looked like a pig, just like Jackson and Roy!

"Hey, sleepy piggy. It's time to go to school!" I joked.
"Mm?" he said as he blinked after he opened his eyes.

Then he looked at his cellphone and realized it wasn't schooldays. He smiled at me with his evil smile (as usual). I replied with a smile too (as usual!).

After that, we both woke Jackson & Roy up. And yes, it seemed like we were waking piggies up (as usual). Then we took a shower one by one. Me, then Karry, then Jackson, then Roy. Everything was just our usuals.

TFBOYS' manager bought some burgers, so we had them for breakfast. Thanks to him yeay! After we all having a breakfast, TFBOYS were supposed to practice singing right then. So, I came with them to their practice room.

"(y/n), come on, sing with us!" Roy said to me in the middle of practicing.
"No, thanks, I can't sing," I replied with a little laugh.
"Well, after what happened last night, I think you're not that bad hehe," Karry said with giggles.

I just plastered it with a little smile, because I knew he was just teasing.

Anyway, when they were taking a break, I overheard something. Something that was surprising!

"Hey, Jackson. Have you packed?" Roy asked to Jackson.
"Yeah, you?" Jackson replied.
"Me too. You, Karry?" Roy said.
"Not yet. Ah, that's easy! I just need 5 minutes to do it and then ready to go." Karry said with a little laugh.

Then I came to them.

"What?! Where are you guys going?"
"Oh, sorry, (y/n). I don't know if you heard it. Well, just keep it a secret, okay?" Roy said to me kindly.
"We're going to Beijing today!" Jackson claimed with excitement.
"Yep, for 5 days!" Roy continued.
"Oh, wow... and... when?" I asked again.
"After this, 11am," Karry said.

I was like WHAT?! How could they still practicing before a flight? Well, no wonder, because they're TFBOYS. It has been their job. But still! Ah, they're so lucky to be able to have many holidays!

"Hey, come with us," Karry said to me.
"Yeah. It'll be fun!" Jackson said.
"That's very impossible. How about schools?" I said to all of them.
"Ah, come on. It's okay, I'll take responsibility for this. I'll talk to our teacher," Karry insisted.
"Um... okay. But I have to go home first," I told them.
"Okay, I'll take you and wait for you outside your house," Karry said when Jackson & Roy were about to.

Well, he's always been the first who said that. How can he know that I can't drive? But anyway, I couldn't thank him enough.

Then, we went to there by Karry's car. When we arrived, I could see that my parents' car was parked inside my house. After that I asked my parents if I could go with TFBOYS to Beijing just for 5 days. And guess what? The good news was they said they let me go with TfbOYS as long as they were my best friends, yeay!

I quickly took out all the dirty clothes of my luggage (when I was staying at Karry's house), because I didn't want Karry to wait too long. Then I put some new clothes to it. After that I took of my shirts, then changed it to '1-4-3' shirt hehee.

After saying goodbye to my parents, I got into Karry's car and I could see that he was quite surprised.

"Wow, hahaha you used it," he said.
"Yep," I replied, "well, you should use it, too."
"Okay, if you insist," he said while smiling at me.

When we arrived at Karry's house, Jackson & Roy were already ready. So Karry needed to packed right then.

5 minutes later, I got into his room. I could see his luggage and bags were all ready and he was already wearing our twinning shirt. He smiled bigly at me and I replied it with a huge smile too.

Then the fourth of us and their manager went to airport by TFBOYS's car. When we arrived, like tons of Clover (TFBOYS's fans) were screaming hysterically and jumping around. But when they looked at me, they started to whisper to each other and stared at my shirts. But I just ignored it and walked.

We all went inside our airplane and sat at our seat. Because Jackson & Roy wanted to sit together, I ended up seating with Karry.

"Hey, you two. I think you guys look good together," teased Jackson while smiling.
"Ah, stop it," Karry said with a little laugh (but he covered it with his right hand).
"No, no, seriously. Especially when you both used those shirts. That's very cute!" Jackson continued.
"Well, what do you mean?" I asked.

Jackson looked at Roy and smiled at us again.

"1-4-3 mean I LOVE U" he said very loudly and laughed with Roy.

Karry and I were so shocked and ashamed after what they just said. I had never heard 1-4-3 before! Hey, we didn't mean it, you know. It was such an accident that we bought it, well I liked it because I loved the design.

Anyway, Karry and I looked at each other and blushed. I swear, it was very very awkward! So, he started to look away from my face. And for some reason, I did that too! Ah, Jackie shouldn't have said it right then!

But yeah, when the airplane took off, Karry offered me some candies to make the situation not so awkward.

The flight took 5 hours to go. Fortunately, there were TV screens in front of each seats so I watched some movies. Suddenly, in the middle of the movies, I felt like someone's head fell on my shoulder. And that was Karry! He must be so tired after practicing.

Anyway, when I realized it was already 3 pm, we finally landed in Beijing! Yeay, holiday!

After that, we all went to TFBOYS' dorm in Beijing. When it was already 4 pm in there, we took a shower. I was first, then Karry, then Jackson, then Roy (as usual!).

After that, we all did nothing but looking at our own phones. Meanwhile, TFBOYS' manager were busy cooking for our dinner. Well, he should be a chef someday hahaha.

Then, we had our dinner. The menu was sushi. It took an hour to talk while eating. Well, that's always been us!

After eating, we watched films (as usual!). Jackson & Roy were eating snacks while me & Karry were busy talking to each other. But we all did enjoy the film.

When it was 11 pm, we went sleep earlier. But I realized that I didn't bring a sleeping bag! So it means that I have to sleep in one bed with Karry (again!). But because we were very sleepy just then, we didn't mind sleeping with each other until the next morning.

to be continued...

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