Chapter 10

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I woke up at 7 am on Wednesday morning. I saw Karry still sleeping so I didn't want to bother him. He must have been very tired and sleepy after what had happened the day before.

By the way, I just realized that it was 2 days before new year! So excited to celebrate it with TFBOYS (and their managers, too!).

Anyways, I went to the living room and greeted Jackson and Roy. I could see their pillow faces hahaha.

"Hey, is Karry still sleeping?" Roy asked.
*I nodded*
"I think you've got to wake him up 'cause he has to wake up earlier," Jackson explained.
"Um, well, I just can't. It looks like he's very tired. Can you wait until 8 am? Or 7.45?" I told them all.
"Well, you've never changed at all, (y/n)," Jackson smiled at me.
"Um? Pardon me?" I asked for a repeat.
"Nothing," he said again, "I'll go wake him up."

Roy and I was just sitting there in silence. I was thinking of what Jackson said right then. What did he mean by saying I've never changed? At all?

Well, I decided to take a shower while Karry's manager was cooking a soup for our breakfast.


Inside Karry's room:

"Hey, Kar. Wake up!" Jackson said.
"Um? *shocked* What are you doing here, bro?" Karry opened his eyes.
"We've got a lot to do today. So don't be late," Jackson said to him.


After taking a shower, I saw Karry sitting on the sofa with the other boys in silence. It's like they were talking about something.

"Hey, Karry" I waved at him (and smiled bigly, too).

Jackson was smiling at him so deeply and Karry poked Jackson with his elbow. Then he looked at me and smiled too.

"The soup is ready, guys," Karry's manager shouted.
"Okay," the fourth of us said.


After we all had breakfast, TFBOYS invited me to practice with them again at their practice room. They all practiced dancing first.

Jackson taught me a lot of their dances even though I couldn't do as good as them. But I have to admit that Jackson is really good at dancing!

Anyway, practicing with them was really fun so we didn't even realize that it was already lunch time. So we had to stop first.

Karry's manager was preparing beef steaks for our lunch. Hmm, yum!

After that, we practiced singing. Roy's voice was really like a baby hahaha. He played piano very well, too!

And yes, we didn't realize that it was already 5 pm! So we all stopped practicing and took a shower one by one. Me, and then Karry, and then Jackson, and last Roy.

After taking a shower, Karry's manager made a toast with strawberry jam, just for a snack. We prepared ourselves and then ready to go to the location for rehearsal.

But first, we had dinner at a Korean restaurant near their dorm. It was recommended by Roy's manager. And it was very delicious!

Then, we finally arrived at the location for rehearsal. Because that day was the last rehearsal, TFBOYS had to practice just like what it was scheduled. So, yeah, I had to wait for them until 11 pm!

Finally, we went home and got into our car immediately. Then I fell asleep because I was extremely tired.

--------- AUTHOR---------  

Karry was looking at the window in the car, until he finally realized that (y/n)'s head was already on his shoulder. He really couldn't move right then because he didn't want to wake her up.

When they arrived at their dorm, Karry woke (y/n) up.

"Hey, (y/n). Wake up, we're home," Karry touched (y/n)'s cheek.
"Hm. 5 minutes," (y/n) said as she still wanted to sleep.

Karry had no choice right then but kissed her on forehead. (y/n) woke up in shock and looked around her. Then she looked at Karry's face with an angry-blushed face at the same time.

"Sorry," Karry said to her.
"Hey, Karry, (y/n). Hurry up! Get out of the car right now! I'm already sleepy!" Jackson shouted.

So they both got into their dorm. When they got into their room, Karry put (y/n) on their bed and then fell asleep beside her.  

to be continued...

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