Chapter 15

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The day after, Karry woke up and checked his phone. It was already 9 am. He wasn't very surprised by the fact that he overslept, because he was definitely tired just to take care of (y/n) 24/7.

He opened the windows and took his towel to take a shower first. After that, he brushed his teeth. Jackson and Roy were already awake too right then, so they joined Karry at the bathroom.

"Hey, Kar," Roy said to Karry.
"Yeah, hi," Karry said softly.
"Is (y/n) already awake?" Jackson asked.
"Um, not yet," Karry answered.

Then they all brushed their teeth in silence.

"So, by the way, do we have any jobs?" Roy asked, "we haven't shot our scene in the next episode."
"I cancelled it," Karry replied as he finished and put his toothbrush back, "until (y/n)'s awake."

Then he went out from the bathroom and left them. He put his towel back near (y/n)'s bed. He looked at her, smiled and said:

"I'll wait for you, (y/n)."


2 hours later. (y/n)'s parents were watching TV when TFBOYS played a game in their mobile phones. They were all waiting for (y/n) to be awake.

But not so long, when Jackson walked across (y/n)'s bed, he saw her hand was moving slowly and she was opening her beautiful eyes softly. Then he said to the others immediately.

"Hey, (y/n) is awake!" Jackson whispered to them.
"What?!" they all said with joy.

Then they greeted (y/n), but she just gave a little smile on her face.

"Doctor! Doctor!" Karry called the doctor.

After that, the doctor came into the room.

"Let me check her condition first," he said.

5 minutes later, the doctor said to (y/n)'s parents that she was a lot better right then and could go home the next day. They were so happy to hear it and then told TFBOYS about it. They were happy too! Especially Karry, of course.

So Karry came to (y/n), hugged her and kissed her on her forehead. But (y/n) didn't respond.

"Hey, what's so wrong?" Karry asked.

But she just said "nothing" and went back to sleep.


They all took care of (y/n) all day long there. Roy ordered many kind of Chinese food for their breakfast, lunch and dinner. The portion was very very big!


It was already 1 pm right then and my parents and all of my friends were busy eating lunch. But not so long, my mum came to me.

"Hey, honey. Are you okay?" she asked.
"Yeah, I am," I answered with a fake smile.


After that, (y/n)'s mum asked Karry to explain everything to (y/n) to make everything clear. Karry nodded.

(y/n)'s parents, Jackson and Roy got out from that room to give them privacy. And the situation became super awkward at first, because Karry was busy thinking about what he shoud say first and how to explain it.

"Um, (y/n). I really need to talk to you right now. May I?" he started the conversation.
"What do you want to say to me then?" (y/n) said in a rude way.
"It was about the girl you saw talking to me days before."
"Yeah, well. She's just one of my best friend in school. We've been a good friend since I first moved to our school. She's truly a really nice person if you know her well. She really helps me a lot when I don't know how to do math problems or else. If it wasn't because of her, I wouldn't have been a face president in our school," he explained
"Then?" (y/n) asked as if she hadn't believed him yet.
"Due to the fact that we weren't in the same class now because I moved to your class, we haven't got a chance to meet. So when you and I went to school days ago, she congratulated me at the backstage because she was so happy and proud to hear that I became a responsible face president and a successful singer now. So, as you can see, we were just friends. Just like you with Jackson and Roy, right?"

(y/n) just kept her mouth shut as she listening to him.

"And you know what? I moved to your class for a reason. Well, at first I didn't want to leave her because she's one of my closest friends. But I moved, because of you, (y/n). I knew you're what I've been looking for since I left you in Korea years ago, because I knew well that you're the one who I really love. So please give me one more chance, 'cause I don't want to lose you once again," Karry continued as he holding (y/n)'s hands so tight.

Then, suddenly, (y/n) replied it with a huge hug. Karry kissed her again on her forehead.

After that, (y/n)'s parents and Jackson and Roy came in and they were very happy watching Karry and (y/n) hugging each other.

At 5 pm, they had dinner.


At night, Karry slept beside (y/n), meanwhile (y/n)'s parents and Jackson and Roy slept on additional beds (as usual!)

to be continued...

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