Chapter 19

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The day after, I woke up at 7 am (as usual). But that morning was a bit strange. There was no Karry. 'Ah, may be he's playing outside with Jackson and Roy', I thought.

But when I opened my room, I saw no one. I entered Jackson and Roy's room, but they also didn't seem to be there. 'Where are they now? Why did they left me alone in this dorm?' I thought again.

Then I came back to the living room and watched the TV. Not so long, Xiaomage appeared. So I decided to ask Xiaomage (Karry's manager) where they all were.

"Oh yeah, they didn't tell you, did they? They were asked to shoot a show this morning. The staff suddenly called me at 5.30 am and said that they had to be there at 6 am," he explained to me.
"Oh. Ok, I see."

I got back to my room and laid on my bed. Then I remembered what Karry had said to me a few days ago. He wanted to go with me to the public (if I wasn't not mistaken what he had said). But he just went to the set without me knowing. Ah, just forget it!

Anyway, while Xiaomage was preparing my breakfast, I took a shower. After that, I had a breakfast. I have to admit it but Xiaomage was very patiently waiting for me at the dining room (while he was playing his phone, too). He's the best manager I've ever seen!

After breakfast, I did nothing. So I decided to go the mall! I asked Xiaomage to take me to the mall near here.

"But before we go, I think you shuld tell Karry first," he suggested.
"No, I won't."

I didn't do something mean, right? Karry did the same thing, too.

After that, I changed my clothes.


While (y/n) was changing her clothes, Xiaomage called Karry without her knowing.

"Karry, (y/n) wants to go to the mall with me."
"What?! W...when?"
"She's changing her clothes."
"I don't know, too."
"I mean, why didn't her tell me?" Karry asked.
"I have no idea."
"Ok, I'll call her."
"What? No no no no. What if she--"

But it was too late because Karry had ended the call.


Suddenly, my phone rang. It was from Karry. I rolled my eyes and then picked it up.

"What?" I answered in a rude way.
"I wanna apologize about my going-to-the-public promise. I also apologize about my very sudden shooting without you knowing."

I ended the call immediately and then took my bags. Then, Xiaomage and I left the dorm by taxi.


We arrived at the mall at 10 am. I went around the mall and shopped many stuffs. It was such a fun day!

After I shopped for almost 3 hours, I had lunch at one of the seafood resraurant there with Xiaomage. It was about 1 pm. I love seafood!

At 2 pm, we came back to dorm. Only it needed about an hour to get there because of traffic.


Finally, we arrived at dorm and TFBOYS hadn't arrived yet right then. It kinda boring, though. I really did nothing but watched the TV.

At 4 pm, I took a shower. After that, I played a game in my room (also Karry's room). I swear, PlayStation was very needed when we were alone at home. For proof: I played it until 7 pm!

"(y/n)!" Xiaomage shouted.
"Dinner is ready!"

So again, I had dinner with Xiaomage. The menu was sushi! Yeay! I was very happy because he made this for me.

While we were eating, we also talked about anything. He's such a fun manager.

We finished eating at 8 pm and TFBOYS came back. Karry greeted me but I just ignored it. I just left him and entered my room.

In there, I didn't say anything when he also entered our room

"(y/n). I'm sorry," Karry said as he hugged me and put his hand on my hair.

But I realized that it was time for me to admit that I was such a loser. Karry won because of his flattery.

I replied him with a hug and forgave him. Then I asked him if he had eaten yet, he said yes. So I told him to take a shower.

After all the TFBOYS member finished taking a shower, we watched a movie at the living room (with Xiaomage, too!). We watched it until 10.30 pm.

When we were all tired, we entered our own room. Before Karry and I slept, Karry said to me:

"I'll take you in public, I promise. May be next time, okay?"

I nodded and he kissed me on my forehead. After we said good night to each other, we slept.

to be continued...

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