Chapter 6

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I awoke from my sleep when I realized that the sun was already shining brightly. That was when I realized Karry was still hugging me just like last night. I really had no idea how to move right then, so I moved his left hand first from my shoulder slowly. However, Karry put his hand back to my shoulder and hugged me even harder. It totally became more awkward!

"Karry, um, Karry?" I woke him up by touching his head with my index finger.
"Eng? What?" he asked as if he was still half asleep, he still closed his eyes
"We need to go to school today, remember?" I reminded.
"Yeah, why?" he asked again.
"Um, would you please let me move?" I asked him awkwardly.

That was when he finally opened his beautiful eyes, looked at my face, look at his hand on my shoulder, and then removed his hands.

"Oh, sorry," he said with a little smile.

And then I started to laugh a little because he seemed so embarrassed that his face became so funny. Anyway, I decided to took a shower first. After that I woke Jackson and Roy up as Karry taking a shower after me. Hahaha, I had to admit that they looked like a pig. Then, they took a shower.

Before going, we had pizzas for breakfast yeay! Thanks to Roy.

After that, we went to school and got into our class. We were busy chitchatting to each other until the class began.

The first subject that day was sociology. Oh, I love sociology! And Karry's very good at it, too. But the problem was Jackson and Roy really hate it, so they asked a lot hahaha.

The second subject was math, and Jackson helped me a lot like he always did. But Karry seemed like looking at us everytime me and Jackson laughed. Well, may be he wanted to be taught by Jackson too hahahaha. Or am I wrong?

Then we had a break at the cafeteria.


We went home at 3 pm and returned to Karry's house a.k.a. TFBOYS's dormitory. TFBOYS had to practice dance so I looked at them while they were practicing. I had to admit that they are definitely good at it, they can sing well too!

"Hey, (y/n). Come, join us!" he said to me with a big smile as usual
"No, no, I don't dance," I denied with a little smile.
"Oh, come on," Karry said as he grab my arms and forced me to get up.

They taught me some of their dance. I tried even though I really couldn't do it well. The good result was they said that I was pretty good at it. Wow, I couldn't believe it right then. Then, we took a break because I was really tired.

"You like TFBOYS, don't ya?" Karry teased.
"Well, of course not," I teased him back.
"I don't believe you," he said with an evil smile.
"Oh, whatever," I said to him because I couldn't stand looking at his funny face.

After we practiced, TF took a shower first, not like usual. Hahaha, may be they were sweating a lot.

Then, we all went to a restaurant that Karry recommended for dinner. They also invited their manager. The manager was really kind to me! We talked a lot until we laughed so hard. He had a good sense of humor.

When we got back home, we decided to watch a movie. Because Jackson really like to watch horror movies, then we were forced to watch it that night. Besides, the next day was a weekend, so we could watched it until midnight.


In the middle of the film, Karry was really frightened and scared, but he didn't want to show it. So he looked at (y/n)'s face just to know how her reaction was. (y/n)'s face was so flat.

When the ghost appeared in the movie, Karry hugged (y/n) as soon as possible. She was shocked because of the ghost, and Karry as well. So they hugged each other until the movie was over.

After that, Karry removed his arms because he didn't want (y/n) to know that he was really scared. Well, every boys always do that.

Then, because it was already midnight, they went to bed. (y/n) fell asleep first because she was very tired.

Karry, the one who was still up, looked at her blissful face. Just to make sure that she's her first crush in Korea. Because he was too tired to think, he went to his sleeping bag (well, y/n's sleeping bag) on the floor, and went to sleep. But he just couldn't stop thinking about many questions that was on his mind.

"Is she the one I'm looking for?" he asked to himself before going to sleep.

to be continued....

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