〔Extra〕Chapter 21

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I woke up at 9 that day, well almost every day. I was literally tired and sleepy, because accompanying TFBOYS had just become my current habit of the entire week!

So yeah, since Karry had introduced me to his fans, I was always on the set with them. Until the night before, they finished shooting their films. Finally! But I just can hardly wait to see it!

So anyway, I went to the kitchen to greet Karry and also the other members. They were making coffee!

"Well, one of you guys should be a barista," I teased.
"Is that a compliment?" asked Karry with his smirk. I laughed a little.
"Do you want some coffee, Ms. (y/n)?" asked Roy politely, pretending to be a barista.
"Yes, please," I replied politely, pretending to be the customer.
"No, no. This barista is new here. He has just entered this coffee shop. Just let me make it for you," said Karry, pretending to be the other barista!

Roy rolled his eyes at Karry, meanwhile Jackson laughed so hard. Aw, those dimples, though!

"Btw, today is our last day of our winter break. Time to go to school!" said Jackson with excitement.
"Yeah, well, I'll kinda miss this holiday. It means so much to me," I said to them.
"Don't worry, we can still meet at school, right?" said Karry, smiling.
"Yeah," I said with fake smile.

Maybe it didn't really matter to them because it was their daily activity as a famous group. But to me, it was such a fun yet unforgettable moment in my life! Wish I could turn back time.

Anyway, we packed our stuffs to our bags. Then, we had a flight at 12 am to fly back to our own home.

Along the flight, Karry and I didn't sleep for the first time! We spent our time taking selfies, listening to music in Karry's mobile phone, watching movies, reading plane's magazines, eating-while-talking, taking pics of clouds (we were such a dork!), taking pics of Jackson and Roy sleeping (don't tell them okay?) and so on.

Although the journey took more than 5 hours, but yeah. I finally understand that if we spend our quality time with someone who we loves, it won't feel so long. Well, it's basically based on my experience!

After arriving at the airport, we went to my house to drop me by TF's car. (p.s. : TF had a car in Beijing, Chongqing, and another place.)

When we arrived, Karry accompanied me (because Jackson and Roy were sleeping at the car). I knocked at the door, but there was no answer. I knocked (one more time), no reaction. I asked myself where my parents went.

I checked my phone and saw my mum's message. She said that she and my dad were going to shopping mall, so she left me the key under the plant near the door. Ah, luckily!

I unlocked the door and turned to Karry, "Thanks for everything, Xiaokai. It was an amazing experience of my life. I'm so happy."

"You're very welcome," he said and smiled. "Are you okay if you're alone at house?"
"Yeah, its okay."
"Okay. Well, I must go now. I'm very tired."

I nodded and said 'goodbye' to him. He replied it and went back to the car. But when he walked about 2 steps away, I called him.


He turned his head and I walked to him. I hugged and kissed him on his cheeks.

"Wh-why?" he blushed.
"Nothing hehe," I said and smiled.
"See ya tomorrow in school!"
"See ya, (y/n)."

I opened the door and got into my house. Home sweet home!


So yeah, we all promised that we'll always be together no matter when or where the situation is. In school, we always sit in one table, either when we're asked to be in group or at the cafeteria. After school, we always visited one of our house everyday. If we wanna go to TFBOYS' dorm, we'll go there. If we wanna come to my house, we will. It's up to us (well, depends on our moods hahaa).

When they are having show, I'll always come to see them performing. I'll always be proud of them!

Last but not least, my relationship with Karry also will never be broken because we'll always stick together. Jackson and Roy also still wanna be our best friends and always will be. As if there's no wall dividing this friendship.



hey guys
so, this is the last chapter from 'Endless Love' story. Thankyou readers and votes for this story.
And, thankyou for all who waited for this chapter. Sorry for my bad English!

And then, see ya next time. I can make a new story. I wish you are liked my new story soon.

So, 谢谢,拜拜!


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